Monday, December 31, 2012

Ending 2012

The past few weeks (and really months) have been totally dreadful, and instead of talking about them, I would rather just think about the good things of 2012 so far. Here we go...

Since the summer I have read 47 books, or 17,802 pages total! Of course, that is mostly pleasure reading, not including a lot of the things I had to read for school. I think that is pretty awesome.  I'm just starting a list from the new year on to account for everything I read next year. Which starts in less than two hours.

A few resolutions I have planned (when I normally don't make any): 1. Try yoga or something to start destressing. 2. Be a uber-nerd for my last semester of undergrad. 3. Start exercising, dang it. 4. SAVE MONEY 5. (Most Importantly) Stop being a TV Zombie!!!!

I have done a few cool things this year.  Mostly right now all I can remember is the crap I'm stressed out about.  But let's see here...

I achieved awesome friend status with Heather.  I started this blog. I started a writing group, which begins next year.  I made some huge life decisions concerning Grad School.  I painted my bedroom, and did some awesome designing in there.  I came one step closer to a new bathroom.  I painted my utility room.  I made some other huge life decisions.  I bought a new (used) car. I did a ton of research. I did a ton of reading.  I reunited with some old friends.  I made new friends.  I've discovered a few new traits about myself, some of which I wasn't too happy with.  I branched out.

I'm sure there is way more than that.  Like a said, it's been a tough few weeks and an even worse few days.  I mostly wanna curl up with my nook and not move.  Which is probably what I'm going to do.  

This isn't the most awesome blog I've ever written.  At least I'm writing it. 

My hopes for 2013:
1. Better than 2012
2. Work through some issues
3. Save more
4. Live more

This year I have truly embraced being a procrastinator.  I don't like. I really want to stop. Trouble is, I keep putting that off to tomorrow.  Sadly, I was almost trying for that pun but really meaning it.  Netflix and Hulu have sucked me in. Remember that alien commercial about Hulu? I'm beginning to wonder if it's true.  So my most adamant resolution is to lower the amount of tv I watch. I'm thinking I'm allowed 1 episode a day, if that. I also want to start writing every day.

Well folks, Deeogee is begging for attention. Laters.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

So it's been a month....

I know it's been a month since I blogged, but it has been a very crazy month.  School started kicking my bum. So let's go back a bit...

I got my new car - as was my last post.  I wrote a twenty page paper for my senior seminar class. Senior Seminar has been the most stressful class I have ever had.  The other senior seminar class wound up all taking incompletes. It was offered to my class. I took it.  I found out our paper had to be eight thousand words long. I have 6000.  I also need to rewrite the first half of my paper, as well as do more research and analyze more primary documents.  I had a week to do it, and I just couldn't accomplish that much under that much stress.  Not to mention another four page paper to write and two finals to study for.  So, I have about four weeks to work on it.  I've even done some work. Yay.

I got a B in Brit Lit and considering I did about 2% of the reading, I'll call that a good grade.  I received an A in Advanced Comp which I am very proud of. I am still waiting on 20th Century Seminar.  But, school is now over. One semester left.... I'm scheduling my GRE tomorrow for January. I'm helping a friend clean out her mother's house during break. I'm also going to start exercising with Nikki.  Hopefully it'll be a busy, good break.

I saw the midnight premier of The Hobbit.  IT WAS AMAZING.  There are a few scenes where I am .... eeehhhh on.  Other than that... AWESOME.  I'll make it's own little post later.

I went to the Game thing in Glasgow.  They were having the Christmas dinner.  It was tons of fun!  There was some dadgum good food too.  I met up with one of my best friends from high school yesterday. I really enjoyed it.  Then I took his girlfriend and another friend from high school to the dinner tonight, Rachel.  I miss all my old peeps :)  Heather gave me the two most awesome cupcake pans ever. I'm so glad to have new ones. I think she may have spent way too much on me, but I love them :) They also magically match my Paula Deen stuff.  I was going to post pics... but it won't bloody work. Maybe later. I can't wait for Heather to post her present!!!!

This weekend Heather and I are going to do some projects and then start cleaning out my garage and the apartment above it. I want to clean out and organize both as much as possible.  Eventually I want to start having a gathering here at least a month for my friends.  I want to wait till my poor bathroom is redone. Wish me luck with that.  The two garage bays would be awesome to have parties in. I have two couches in there and a fridge. We could get some tables.  I could paint it.  Stain the floor.  It would be fun.  The apartment needs some serious work.  It needs paint, the floors need help and the second room needs work on the roof as well as the wall.  It'll be nice to get that done.

I have so many plans for my house.  One day maybe some more of it will happen. -sighs-  Wish me luck. I should have so much to talk about, but I'm tired right at this moment. 

I'm out for the moment. Night!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Buckle the Hatches

So, I BOUGHT A CAR!  A 1997 Ford Escort with 165k miles.  It runs nice, and it looks pretty good.  Sadly, no cd player, but I have one of those radio tune thingys.  I'm just so darn excited.

In other news, Disney is expanding.  It looks awesome. Go here.There is more one the website as well.

I've been doing some homework today.  Did some reading.  Posted a writing assignment.  Still need to do more reading. And more writing.  This semester is almost over.  Panic shall ensue soon.  As Heather said, we need to buckle down.

Me:  I had a thought, but I lost it.
Heather: Aw, poor thought.
Me: It's okay, it has lots of friends.
Heather: *high five*

We high five texted (though I think she implied I missed).  So cool.

List of things I need to get off my butt and do this weekend:
Write Paradise Lost paper
(Which means read Paradise Lost...)
Read and write 4 responses
Read pages in my textbook for 20th Century
Work on editing my 20 page paper

Things to do over Thanksgiving Break:
Read a book about soccer
Write a  5 page paper over said book
Completely edit 20 page paper for SS
Create a presentation over paper
Prepare my portfolio for Advanced Comp
Write and do an Oral Presentation for Advanced Comp
Edit my two papers for said portfolio

Way too much. Just way too much.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Caffeine and Chocolate Talking

I haven't blogged in awhile, because I've been busy, worn out, and sick.  This week has been hectic and crazy.  So, starting from my last post.

I did not get to look at cars last weekend.  Sadly, my father-in-law was sick and I was not going to bug him about it.  He hardly ever gets sick, and when he does the man sleeps.  A lot.  Come to think of it... it's what his son does too. I wish that worked for me.

Sunday I actually accomplished quite a bit.  You know... that list of things I was supposed to do the weekend before.  Sean carried all my Halloween decor up to storage, including the other things in the house I wanted out.  He cleaned the bathroom and straightened the living room.  I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, did laundry and other such random things.  I also bought him his Christmas present - Deeogee.  She's a Yorkie/Min Pin mix and just downright adorable. He feel in love with her and has always wanted a tiny dog.

Isn't she cute?  And yes, she is wearing a cut up sock.  My sister in law (who rescued these puppies from a not so cool woman) did that because it was the only thing she could find to fit her. I mean, the dog doesn't even register as weighing a pound. Even the XXS clothes for them are too big for her.  And she shivers all the time.  Soooo cute.

Monday,  I had school.  I was slightly scared of my senior seminar class because she had started reading the papers.  It was actually a great class.  She talked about the common mistakes she found in our midterms, talked about writing in general, and procrastination.  I had a lot of fun.  Dr. Plummer also talked about how she knows much of our paper was the caffeine and chocolate talking. It is very true.  One of her best points however, is that we do not write to content, we write to word count.  I am guilty of this myself, although apparently not as bad as some of the scenarios she was describing.

I finished another Anita Blake book. Yep.

I went to look for at a Mitsubishi Galant, and the guy told me it was there at 4:30.  Get there at six, to what turns out to be a small car lot, and find out that he sold it three hours ago. He lied to me. I was pissed.  We left, and I headed to Nikki's. Nikki got me Heath Coffee Ice Cream. For future reference - delicious.

Wednesday, I woke up sick.  I mean, feeling utterly like crap.  I was so tired it was crazy.  I barely made it through all my classes, and came close to skipping two of them.  I didn't, but it was a close thing.  Dr. Reed's class was great because we once again wound up on the discussion of procrastination.  He told us that cleaning won't always be how we procrastinate. As you get older, you get more creative. You may figure out that your kids have homework, work on something else that needs to be done, or go get the much needed gallon of milk that is no longer in the fridge.  As long as it is productive, you can lie and say its fine.  This is very very true.  Right after that, he noticed a hat on a desk, and asked whose it was. The kid sitting beside spoke up for it.  A kid in the class said, "Oh look I have class to teach.  Let's find out who owns this hat." Dr. Reed starting laughing, and walked over to the stand his ipad was on.  "I think this isn't quite right," and he proceeds to start adjusting it up and down. We all died laughing.

Right after that, we went into Dr. Plummer's class.  Once again, procrastination comes up.  She told us it's very true, and said that maybe you work on some other paper or committee forms instead of grading - no one wants to grade. She isn't paid to teach, she's paid to grade.  I can believe that.  She said they would have to find more for Dr. Reed to do, and she'll let him I know said so. "Please wait till I'm out of his class!"  She laughed.  Apparently, by the way, many universities require their Freshmen to write a twenty page paper.  "Well at least I could look back on it fondly now" said one girl. Nooo, I thought.  "Yes, but then as seniors you write a 130 page paper."  See, I knew.  "Trust me, it's much harder to write 130 pages the night before"  - Dr. Plummer did this.  See, everyone procrastinates.

That's pretty much been my week.  I woke up Thursday feeling even worse.  My bad ear is draining, my good ear has pressure and pain, which in turn is making my jaw hurt and my throat is on fire.  Amazingly, I haven't had a migraine yet.  No clue how that is working, but I won't complain.

I had a breakdown and cried in my husband's car for almost an hour last night.  Everything is fine, but the stress of finding rides, missing things I needed to be at, being late for work, and everything else just hit me.  I also worry about wearing out people's worry, being trouble, and all that jazz.  I don't like being a burden or bothering people. I'm very worried I'm been bothering people. -sighs-  Today I get to look at cars.  Just wish me luck.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Simply To Be

So, I'm going with my fortune cookie for a new motto right now:
"One of the best things to do sometimes is simply to be"

So that's what I've done today.  It makes me have to do more tomorrow, but as I sit watching tv and drinking Hot Coco, I'm not going to argue.  I love being lazy. Of course, I hate being lazy half the time I'm being lazy but I'm pretending to ignore that fact.

I started watching Crossing Jordan. Probably shouldn't have.  Gooo me!

I finished my paper yesterday at 10 am.  I finished with six hours to go. Wooohooo!  I'm excited.  I'll probably be in tears when I meet with my professor, but right now I'm excited.  Tomorrow my hubby and I are uber cleaning the house.  I'm also going to look at a couple of cars.  Please, dear God, let me get a car!!

For work, we had training from HR.  She informed us to be careful of our Facebook pages.  And you know what?  She pointed out that I was young and married and eventually most will assume this will lead to babies and they could discriminate against me for it.  We should watch what we post.  This is how I feel about that.  I understand not to post slutty pictures with drinks and all that jazz. But I'm not going to hide that I'm married, I'm not going to hide who I am.  If they don't like who I am enough to interview me, then I don't want to work for them. This may hurt me. At this time, I don't care.

Other than that, not much going on.  Wish me luck on the car.  Shout out to Heather who is awesome for giving me rides about places.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Panic Ensued. Then Ended.

So, I'm laying in bed next to my lovely bestest awesomeness friend, Nikki.  She's letting me stay over so I can get to work on time in the morning. Like I said, Awesome.  However, she keeps telling me at this moment that she is disappointed in me for blogging. Fine Nikki. Fine.

I'm stealing this from Heather:
Today the wonderful Fallon helped me with my math. I LOVE YOU FOR IT. And all the while she was using her phone as a calculator. Suddenly this random song lowly played in the background. She then stops speaking in the middle of her sentence and checking all her pockets. She starts to panic and then checks her jacket pockets. She then says, "Okay, give me a minute, I need to find my phone."
I give her a confused look and then slowly scoot up her phone clearly on the table to her. "You mean this, right here?"
She stops and does "headdesk."

I did. It was sad.  It's been a tough week.  Ate good food for supper.  Then came home and wrote four pages on my paper.  Also found a blue alero for sale. It sold. I hate people.

I met with my professor.  She told me to write four four page papers, an intro and a conclusion.  Life is cool.  I basically had to start over, but I'm doing better and I know it doesn't suck as much. Yaaaaay.

I'm getting off work at 2:30 tomorrow so I can lock myself onto a computer and not move.  Wish me luck.

I drank a Caramel Machhiato today.  Then a Caramel Apple Spice.  Starbucks gift cards are THE BOMB.

For better news, a picture will be posted of Heather's "Judging Fallon Face."  If I could connect to the net here, it would so be here now.


All Ahoy!

We are on the road to a breakdown.  That's what I envision. I think maybe if I just cry my eyes out I'll feel better.  Too many things.  Why does it always seem like I am fighting a crisis? Or a ton of tiny crises all at once? I mean, I know I'm blessed and all that jazz, and I have a ton to be thankful for, but lord help.

Also, JAVA LEAVE ME THE FRICK ALONE! I've told it to UPDATE A MILLION TIMES!  It just keeps asking. -sighs- 

So, I have eight pages.  Eight measly pages.  I worked on it last night until my brain was ready to explode and light of any kind hurt.  I was in bed by 10 pm.  Wanted to work on this morning, but I feel so defeated it just didn't go well. I'm meeting my professor at 1:30, so maybe she can get me back on track.  I'd be half tempted to call into work tomorrow except I can't afford it, and they would be left with too few people. So that's out.  I've written a fifteen page paper in six hours before.  I only need 12 -13 more.  I have tonight, tomorrow night, and Friday morning, so hopefully I should be okay.  Everything else that was due this week is finished. 

Pray for me my fellowship. To god, to Gods, to existence, to the great big blue sky, or even to a;sdkfhkjashdfasf.  Just send me good thoughts, okay?

I'm meeting Heather to help her with her math. I feel all honored and happy to be able to help her.  At least I'm doing something good.  Snap, I haven't eaten today.  -sigh-

Peace out people.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Stress to the Max

Sooooo..... Today I was supposed to lock myself up and write my paper.  I had five pages by 10.  Then I took a break to spend some time with my hubby before he went to work and that was a bad, bad idea. I still have five pages.  My theory is this, I'm going to blog and then I'm going to write my heart out.  Wish me luck.

The sad thing is, I think 90% of my stress level this semester can be attributed to this paper.  So if I would just write my first draft, I think I would have some overwhelmingly happy moments to come and a huge "whew" of relief.  I'm going to start bashing my head into a wall. Do you think that would help?

Other than that, I just did an hour of work for my online class.  Yay me.  I don't have that to worry about anymore...

Stress is going to kill me.

Had a great time with Heather Monday after class, and then an awesome time with my friend Nikki.  Yep. 

Lord, help me.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing

I would say I have a lot to talk about, but I really don't. I'm crazy tired. This week has been hectic and insane.

Halloween was fun.  I dressed up. I wore my cloak as it was freezing, and my renaissance dress. I got quite a few compliments.  (Holla to Cheryl!)  So, I love my dress. I need to get it dry cleaned. It's machine washable but I'm so not taking the chance of killing it.  I dunno.  Maybe.  Heather recognized me when I was leaving Cherry Hall, so I thought that was awesome :)

Friday I worked a conference so I could make up for the hours I'm losing due to Election day.  It was pretty fun, I got free food, coffee and Dr. Pepper.  I enjoyed it, and probably ate way too much left over Halloween candy that the teachers were trying to get rid of.  I also went to class, and we talked about the book and our paper, so hopefully that will go well this weekend.  Hopefully.

Speaking of this weekend, my husband is off.  I'd loved to spend time with him, but I have so much to do.  I'll probably find some time for him :P  Speaking of everything I have to do:
1. 2 drafts (1300 words apiece) of creative nonfiction, due tomorrow.  Two different topics.
2. More research, and setting up an outline for my twenty five page paper.
3. Actually beginning to write my twenty five page paper - it's due next Friday.
4. Readings of Paradise Lost
5. Writing a 1300 word paper for 20th Century Europe, due Monday at 11:59 pm.
6. Reviewing papers (2 a piece) of three other group members in AC

1. Bathroom
2. Laundry
3. Dishes
4. Bedroom/Closet
5. Living Room
6. Study
7. Vacuuming

So yeah, I have way to much to do. A friend at work is having a bonfire, but I don't think I'm going to make it. I have so much crap to do. Of course, I'm procrastinating by blogging.  Still, the list helped me figure out what all I had to do.  I've written one draft of my 1300 word paper.  Now for another. Then I'm showering, starting laundry, and working on my outline.  At some point we need to go to Save A Lot for water and such.

Yeaaaah. This weekend sucks.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Streak

Oh my lord.  So, I wasn't feeling good and didn't want to stay in Bowling Green till 10 pm for Sean to get off. I asked our aunt if she could give me a ride home.  So sitting at the all day red light behind another car, by the car lot and KFC, I was looking towards Taco Bell.  I had just mentioned not having anything else but Taco Bell's sign to look at.  All of a sudden, I see a man jogging. So I'm looking and realize that he was naked.


Aunt Shawn realized it when I did. We died laughing.  Sadly, he was already onto the sidewalk and past another car.  If I had managed to recover in time, I swear I would have yelled WHOOOOO out the window.  He was wearing nothing but his tennis shoes. Lord help.

As someone asked, what about his package? Well, there was enough that from a side view I could see it bouncing.  He looked fit enough, brown hair.  That's all I got.  The people on Scottsville road got a bloody eyeful, I'm sure :P

I hear he's been arrested.

Onto other news.... At work today my friend was telling me that his nametag he was wearing at his job managed to jab him in his nipple. Oh how I laughed.

My friend, Ali, has decided that southern women aren't very classy.  Apparently he says I'm not either.  To try to be funny, he called Kacy classy. 

Me: Ooooh
Ali: Catfight!
Kacy: It's a fight now
Me: Lobby, Five o clock.
Kacy: I'll be there

Then we died laughing.  The fun I have at work.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Slut's Holiday

So, this post is a slight crazy mix of many things, but I'm in one of those moods.  Currently I am watching The Puss in Boots Halloween short while eating supper and such.  He is so darn cute. Oh my lord, and the kittens are so freaking cute in this it is crazy. I've been reading articles for almost two hours.

WATCH IT! It's on Netflix.

So, I'm currently procrastinating like crazy. Which is incredibly stupid - I have a midterm due tonight at 11:59 pm.  I've read four out of the six articles, so I am working on it. It's only 1700 words.  This is really annoying. I just want to kick myself over and over and get myself in gear. I have five hours to do it.  I hope I don't take that long.  I'm disappointed in myself. Friday I cleaned, read my book for my club, and did a few other things that was actually useful.  Then I attended my spa party.

So Beauti Control is actually pretty awesome.  I have the Detox bath soak which is excellent for getting rid of migraines.  For hosting the party I was also given a forty dollar wrap that you can freeze or heat in the microwave. I'm in love with this thing. My husband thinks it's pointless, but I love it. It also helps with migraines, and cramps.  Haha!  The party was great.  Heather was funny as normal and I kept teasing her. I'm terrible.  We had cupcakes, coke, coffee, apples, cheese and caramel.  Danielle was great, the products are awesome, and we all wound up ordering something.  I got "Sugar and Spice" instant manicure stuff for my hands which makes your hands feel a-freaking-mazing. I also ordered tinted lip balm which I'm hoping will keep me from applying chapstick about thirty times a day. I may start selling in January because it looks like fun, they don't rain all over your parade like Avon, and I'll need something to do.

So, on to the title.  I must say that America has managed to make almost every woman in its country self-conscious of their bodies to the point of it being debilitating.  All we seen are celebrities who probably eat strict diets, pay insane amounts to people who help keep them fit and get touch ups on the magazines.  Lately I've been trying to embrace myself, thanks to Heather, and what and who I am.  In our country we are never really given time to find ourselves either. Almost nothing promotes being fit.  So, here I sit, overweight by medical standards, staring at pictures on pinterest of woman with abs, hoping to look like that but arguing that I am fine as I am. I want to lose weight to look better, it's true, but I also want to be healthier. And right now, I know I do not eat healthy (although that's terribly hard to do as a college kid) nor do I exercise enough for my health.  I'm trying to work on it. That's all I can do.  So why do we try so hard to be skinny? In Europe they like girls with curves - heck I like girls with curves.  But it's not what is generally promoted in our society. Though a few corporations, such as Dove, are working on it.

Halloween makes this harder. I mean, I freaking love the holiday. It's tied with Christmas. It might have something to do with the insane amount of decorating I do.  Yet, I dress all pretty not slutty.  I'm not saying its wrong.  Women should embrace their bodies.  But what price do we pay for doing so? On Halloween we become nothing, most of the time, but sex objects.  Heck, I can't even recognize half the characters they are supposed to be because they are so slut-ed up.  Most women look forward to it because they dress like that without the normal repercussions. Is that true? I just don't know.  I know that it's sad when a ten year olds outfit is way too slutty for their age, but clothes in general for kids is starting to turn that way.

Overall, my point is this:  Women should love who and what they are and what they look like.  When it comes to the point that they are so ashamed of their body that they can't even believe someone would want to touch them, it hurts me.  I know beautiful wonderful people who think this.  Their personalities alone would make someone love them.  But instead, they worry about small parts of their body and whether or not someone is attracted to them.  They stand in front of the mirror (heck I do it too) and analyze every little bit of fat they have on them.  It's impossible not to in our society.  The thing is, historically women had curves.  It's natural.  Sure, we should be fit. But we shouldn't hate ourselves.  We should be more willing to work towards the body we want without the sexual pressure - we should just want to be healthy.  My own theory is this:  A man would not touch you, make love to you, and love you to begin with, if he was attracted to you. I've heard too many male conversations that said basically that. If there is no attraction, they wouldn't date you - women won't either.  It's too fundamentally important inside of us to ignore whether or not we like how someone looks.  That's why we all wired differently. There's someone for everyone.

So, women, try to be slightly less slutty.  Embrace your body.  If you are dissatisfied, work towards being healthier.  And be happy with that and the progress you are making.  Being sure of yourself and your body will gain a man quicker than constantly belittling how you look. They probably don't notice half the things we worry over.  And if you need reassurance - ask. Heck, I've asked my husband.  He tells me I'm beautiful.  I may doubt it, but I see it in his eyes.  Try to love yourself.  It's hard to let someone love you when you are questioning yourself.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Jump in Leave...s

I meant to blog last night, but of course I came home and jumped straight into Incubus Dreams, which I finished at 2 am this morning.  I need to update my list now.  Another 700 pages gone.  I'm crazy excited because this is a three day weekend for me.  Due to catching rides, it was either stay home or be in Bowling Green for eight hours when I only had one class and a twenty minute training. I stayed home.

Wednesday, after the fall festival, Heather, Amanda and I were walking down the hill to the cars.  There were a bunch of beautiful orange and yellow, gold and crimson, leaves in the grass.

Heather: I'm going to walk in the leaves.
Me: I'm so joining.

We walked across the road, and started flouncing in the leaves. I was kicking them up with my feet and doing a tiny jig. 

Amanda: You look so "autumny"

We both thought she said "odd to me" so a discussion about that ensued. I LOVE LEAVES

Speaking of leaves. Heather texts me (and I really wish I could do the picture of our convos thing)
Heather: I'm resisting the urge to jump in leave.
(Well.. I thought she was like... wanting to leave somewhere.)
Me: Jump in leave?
Heather: So awkward doing it alone.
Me: (......) I'm confused by what you mean. (Why is it awkward to leave alone...)
Heather: Jumping in leaves alone would be awkward.
Me: Ooooh. You just said "jump in leave." The s of "leaves" was crucial to understanding that.
Heather: Hahahahahaha ohhhhhh English major.

I'm taking that as a compliment.

So I'm at work yesterday and we were all bickering as usual.  It takes a very horrible day for me to not like my job. I have no idea how much I've said before, but I'm a tutor at the LAC for WKU.  So, they were rambling about mornings.  One of my bosses is very not a morning person and this rambled on to being ready for naps.  Another tutor (Megan) says: "At least I'm pleasant for like six hours. You only have two. (To Cole, one of my bosses)"  I just about died laughing.

THE WEATHER IS AWESOME! I think KY became angry I called it a tease. It is in the 50s outside and drizzling. I'm so dang excited it's pathetic. I'm wearing long sleeves to my spa party tonight.

I'm reading In The Sanctuary of Outcasts.  I'm liking it so far. Though it's nonfiction and due to one of my English classes I currently hate nonfiction.  With a passion.  Soooo, yeah. It's for a bookclub though, so read I must.

Shout out to Keith Wynn - Someone who managed to randomly find my blog :) I appreciate your reading it!

Oh - And check this out. It's a blog that has many of the slutty costumes compared to the male ones. I'll blog about that later.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Glad I'm an English Major

Sooo, today we had this awesome Fall Festival for Potter College Arts and Letters kids. I'm a Double English History major. I qualify twice! BOO YA!  So, I was very excited.  I had a midterm in one class, and my last one was canceled. I was super happy about this because it meant that I would make it in time for a free shirt. WHICH HAS A WHITE SQUIRREL ON IT! Which is awesome because yesterday I needed such a shirt.  Life is good.  There were pumpkins, caramel apples, sweets, funnel cakes, music, prize giveaways, wacky photos with drama props, musical instruments and all kinds of stuff.  Tons of fun.

In other news, Hobbit tickets go on sale on November 7th.  I shall buy them at midnight.  Yes, that's right. I will.  Morgan and I are going, as well as my hubby.  Anyone else wanna meet us there and be uber nerds? We are also thinking about a Hobbit/LOTR party.  I can buy this awesome trivia book and we can go CRAZY!  .... Yeah. I'm a nerd. But I love it.

Friday I'm staying home and skipping my only class and training.  I don't feel like being in Bowling Green for twelve hours when I only need to do 12 hours worth of crap and I can spend my time more efficiently at home. I made a 74 on my Eng Lit midterm because I forgot an author completely and did a few dumb blonde things.  No fun, no fun. I must kick my butt in gear. I'm actually proud because I managed to study, research magic, research grad school and a few other random things this morning. Goooo me!

After the fall festival, my wonderous friend Heather drove me to B&N, then I met up with Morgan. We rambled about school, life, the past, the future and whatever else randomly popped into our heads. It was awesome. We also lost the battle with the smelly sweet utter awesomeness coming from the cafe and bought baked goods. Which reminds me that I have a cinnamon scone in my backpack for breakfast. Yum yum. Maybe I'll even make hot tea in the morning.  I love it!  We need colder weather, darn it.  Kentucky is such a tease.

I'm pretty sure I realized there was something I really needed to blog about. And then I forgot... OH!  MY BATHROOM IS BEING REDONE! Hopefully next weekend. We've even bought the tile.  It's getting all ripped out - except the tub - and new floors, stuff for the wall, fixing the toilet, and such and such.  Quarter round will be put down, I'm going to install my shelves, and a vanity. I'll have a sink again! The hole above the shower is going to be closed up.  I'm going to get a thing-a-ma-jig (hopefully) to go over the toilet on the wall. It'll be beautiful.  I'm so darn excited I can't stand it.

We took Mrs. Fuzzbutt to the vet.  He says it could have been a change in her environment (there hasn't been one) or just something aggravated her. He's seen cats just pull their fur out off and on for no reason. He loved my description of her being a diva. We gave her a shot of cortisone to help her out and maybe that will help. If she doesn't get her fur back we're calling her Mrs. Grumpy Butt.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Haunted? Nope

So last night was the much awaited haunted house.  My sister, Becky, sister-in-law, Stephie, Heather and I went.  I must say to start out that I think the ride up there and the wait in line was better than Waverly Hills. Everyone has since commented on Facebook that the tours are way better than the house, so maybe we'll try that another time. I think that the house by KOA in Bowling Green was better than this one.

One the way up there, we were all pretty much spastic.  We saw a hot air balloon landing near Sonic in BG, and we were totally gawking and taking pictures.  We stopped at Sonic for food and drinks, and they were also taking pictures, so that made us slightly less geeky.  Becky and Stephie jumped out of the car and left poor me and Heather trapped due to child safety locks. They are not our friends. We were screaming to get their attention and it took forever for them to notice :P 

Some of the highlights of our trip:

Heather: Why do I always wind up behind the tallest person? I'm too tall.
Me: I'm taller than you
H: No you're not.
Me: Yes I am!
    Ensuing screaming match of childlike behavior
Me: How tall are you?
H: 5' 6"
Me: HA I'M 5' 7" and 1/2
H: No you're not!
Me: You are only taller because of your hair!
And giggling ensued.  It was HILARIOUS! DARN IT!

So we get up the long line to Waverly, after sitting in the car and dealing with the idiots behind us who kept flashing their lights and trying to get around us (Where the frick were they going to go?), when the guy tells Becky, "Go on up to the lady" in  order to pay for our parking.

Becky: What did he say?
Stephie and me: Go up to the lady.
   This was just too funny because the guy was standing right outside the car.

So Heather went in search of the jeep, and we got on this crazy conversation about Tampons.  Stephanie says she just can't wear them. I'm the same way.  Then Stephie says something about it making her want to gag.

Becky: It's gagging your vagina.

This was beyond funny and resulted in a total breakdown gigglefest. I sincerely worry about my sister and the fact that I share half her genes.

Heather came back and we went in search of the bathrooms.  Sadly, we started memo-ing everything that was remotely funny so we could remember for our blog.  While waiting in line, this guy dressed as a crazy clown starts dancing with people to songs and gyrating to Thriller.
Heather: I wonder how drunk or high he is.
Me: What if he isn't?
Heather: Oh that's saaad.
   With my faith in humanity, I'm betting he wasn't.
Then Crazy Train came on, and yes while using the porta potty, I went Aye, aye, aye. Lol

Last but not least, Becky's GPS, Maggie is an idiot. She'll take you on six backroads to get to the Interstate when it's RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!  Ahem, so we are driving down crazy roads which are curvy when there is a cemetery. We think about scaring Stephie.
Becky: Don't make her scream while I'm driving, it'll be bad.
Heather: Don't you die make me die a Virgin.
Me:  Ooooh she'll come back and haunt you Becky, and when you are having sex she'll scream terrible things at you.
I could so see Heather doing that.

Well, I have to get ready to head to BG. I"ll add in about the actual disappointing haunted house when I get back.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Remembering to be Thankful

I was going to write this post that was all depressing and talking about how life is getting to me right now because school is stressful, work is work, my house is never going to be fixed up (or at least it feels like it), dead car, blah blah blah... And then Heather posted a blog in response to what I wrote on my last post. I love it so much, I'm quoting it:

"Is one person to sit there and feel depressed because a stranger who knows nothing about their past life or who they are? They know nothing of how wonderful a person you are, how you take in friends, how you high five after dorky jokes, how your hair is naturally straight, how you help anyone when they ask, how you have a loving, but smartassey husband, how you love penguins to a freakish point, how you love practically anything purple, how you love cupcakes, how you love heels and socks, how you can't cook, how you have cloaks and dresses, how you go to nerdy festivals, and how you love everyone.
I fucking hate when you don't feel good enough to have someone see your face.
People love you and those people know you.
No one with you right now is judging you on what catches their eye because you're not fake.
You are a genuine person.

This blog is dedicated to Fallon who 
posted this."

 There was more to it than that, but that's the part where I start crying.  I know my life is crazy stressful right now, but I need to stop and be thankful more often. So thank you Heather, for you helped remind me of this and you are a incredibly awesome friend. I am very glad that I met you during the book club (you know, when it was ... the two of us, best book club ever.)  Thanks for high fiving me back and getting my dumb nerdy jokes. I cannot say thank you enough.

I also have some great people who care about me, and love me for me.  Just in general, I want to thank them. There are some truly awesome people that have always been in my life, that I busted the bubble of and made them join my crazy world, and that have come into it recently, that truly mean the world to me.  I will always be there for them, and I thank them for being there for me.

Walking around today, I noticed that smiling at people often gets them to smile back.  And I remember one day when I really needed a smile and a person did that for me.  So I'm going to try to stop complaining as much, and worrying as much, and hold Heather's words close to my heart.  Maybe if I start looking up, things will get better.  I'm usually a positive person and I've been losing that lately.  I hate to do that.  So, darn it, cupcakes and Eiffel Towers shall abound among the kitty cats, and I'm going to be happy.

Thank you. Just... Thank you.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The History of a Word

Not much is happening these days, my dear fellowship.  There is no world to save, it's long lost.  Sad, but mostly true.  Still, it's the little things that matter the most in the world full of chaos, struggle and strife.  I was looking around on facebook today, and I think it is insane how very much our society seems to depend wholly upon the opinions of others.  Or how sad it is that I get jealous of people who look better than me. I mean, I'm the only one keeping myself from looking better, getting healthier, losing a little more weight and toning up.  What sucks is that there are mornings I really don't want to get out of bed and face school and work and whatever else.

Eh, maybe one day I'll get my butt in gear.  Speaking of in gear, I'm doing research. It's not working out well. But I'm trying.

So, to the title:

Tuesday, sitting in the LAC, one of my fellow co workers was wanting to figure out how cuss words became cuss words and how the originated in the first place. Me being the loser I am knew some of the origins for one word. As you may have noticed I never cuss.  So, I'm sitting here and I pop off with:

The origin of Fuck comes from...

And everyone stares at me (this consisting of Nikki, Cole and said co worker - Kenny).  Cole: Did you just say that?

It dawns on me... oh yeah. Yeah I did.

Cole's facebook status:
OMG!!!!! FALLON said a dirty word at 4:27 pm on October 16th, 2012 -- my day has been made!!!!!

Is it sad when me cussing is that amazing to people? I think it's hilarious. Yep. That's all I've got.

Saturday is fast approaching!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Ramblings of the Almost Insane

School has been driving me slowly crazier and crazier.  Add life on top of that, and I'm surprised more of us seniors don't go running down the road screaming at the top our lungs.  I dropped Latin this week. That was a disappointment for me. I really was enjoying Latin, but it was just beyond my comprehension right now.  The charts were vague things I could almost memorize, and though I had most of the terms, it was killing me with the stress.  Sadly to say, I think this semester I have finally hit my breaking point.

Monday, I went and my test score... a 68%.  I have never done quite that badly before and I had to tell myself not to cry about ten times. I seriously debated till Tuesday night and decided it was the best overall to drop it. I was spending so much time stressing, studying and memorizing for Latin that I was ignoring other more important things in my class. I was also so stressed that I was mostly just wanting to run around like a chicken with my head cut off, or crawl into my bed in a nest of covers and not come out.  Pathetic, but true.  My other classes, especially Senior Seminar, are more important to me and my major. Plus, due to my other classes, I couldn't take Latin 2 next semester either.  Latin is gone for now, but maybe during graduate school, I can retake it and actually have time to proceed onto Latin 2.Vale, Latin.

Otherwise, I met with my professor for Senior Seminar, and I'm working with some new parameters for my research. That's what I'm going to start on soon.  We changed the centuries a bit and what exactly I'm working towards. I have a new hobbit journal, and that's what I'm keeping track of. I'm finally onto something, I think and I'm really excited about all of this. It isn't just a project, it might be what I research for life, and what I become a true Historian doing.  Historian in Progress and all that jazz - see it's really my future.

Other than that, not a lot has happened. Oh, well my car dying. Which I'm pretty sure I've talked about. My father-in-law has burnt out all the gas, but my fuel injectors are royally screwed up. They are eighty dollars a piece and there are four. He's going to try to rebuild them and save lots of money. Because, in order to afford another car and the loan to get it, I really need to sell this one. -sighs-  It all sucks. I'm spending the week with a friend next week because otherwise I have no way to get to school or work. Oh they joys of being me.
Oh - I'm obsessed with this song and the version by Hyuna. It's awesome. I so badly want to organize a flash mob. I can't dance in front of people unless I'm drunk though, plus I'd have to organize it and learn the dance. Ha. Wish me luck.  Still, LISTEN! LOVE! BECOME OBSESSED!!!!!!!  AND THE VIDEO IS AWESOME LOL FUNNY!

Yesterday, Heather waited for me and took me to B&N so I wouldn't be at Cherry till after four.  On our way down the hill, she saw Abraham Lincoln (It's a statue on a bench) and he's looking all adoringly into the air.
Heather: I bet a lot of people take their picture with him.
Me: Yep, you could sit and gaze at him all lovingly.
Heather: I'd put my hand on his crotch.

I just died laughing.  We seriously need to take that picture.  Later, we were at B&N, and I found a book with Abraham Lincoln on it. I raised it up, looked at her and raised my eyebrows. She was like, "Fallon, seriously? You are such a history major."

She completely missed the joke.

I saw Perks of Being A Wallflower last night. It was an amazing movie, and I remember finally reading the book now but I seriously need to reread it again. I also read an article where Emma Watson said she wanted to make the movie because it could keep people from hurting themselves.  I won't go into detail about the movie, but you really should see it. It's all about coming of age, pain, buried memories, and the trauma they can inflict later in life.  Even suicide.  Coming from my past and my life, I've thought about suicide a few times. I would never have the courage to do it, I want to live too much. But I understand it. I've written about it.  This movie, this book, it really speaks to it though. Speaks to it so much that you don't have to understand it, it doesn't have to bellow it out loud, but it whispers the message to you. It's beautiful. Simple as that.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Promised Epicness

All right, my friends. I have been lazy (or busy) and not posted a blog yet. Heather needs Facebook to see all my pictures dang it.   I have about 400. I'm cool like that.  There were actually less than normal because I had seen all of DC before, and the Ren Faire was so crowded it was hard to get a picture of anything.

So, Friday we all went to DC.  We went to the museum, which was awesome of course. I had been before but they had some new exhibits. Such as the snake from long ago that was 49 feet long. Creepy and such.  The normal underwater stuff, mammal hall and all that jazz was there.  We went and looked at everything, I took some pictures, yada yada.  Then, we hiked back to the car, then back to the greenery, and ate an awesome picnic.  I also saw the sight for the new African American Culture museum coming in 2015.  Yep. It was a giant hole.  After that, it was on to the Washington Monument which was completely closed off because of the earthquake this summer. You could see a few giant cracks in it. Fun fun.  We couldn't even get into the circle around it.  Twas sad.  Then Stephie, Becky and I managed to have a giant laugh fest.  There was even another tourist looking at us and laughing and I think he snapped some pictures.  Twas fun.  After that we hiked towards the white house and the front was completely closed off.  We headed towards the side and came to a protest of hippies and anarchists.  They were screaming "F*** Obama 1, F*** Obama 2, F*** Obama 3" and a few other things as well as "1, 2, 3, 4, we declare a class war, 5, 6, 7, 8, ... something something something."  Really lovely people. One guy even flipped us off. Pah.  After that we headed to the Lincoln memorial and were all about to die.  We managed that and some girl began singing an opera song in one corner. It sounded really amazing actually - good acoustics.  The reflection pool was drained for some reason.  We barely made it back to the jeep.

The next day, was the Ren Faire!  Sadly, because of construction and a new overwhelming amount of people, we were in traffic for an hour when we were literally about 2 miles away from it.  There were so many cars it was ridiculous and I don't know how they weren't braking fire marshal code. They were supposed to be limiting ticket sales but the place was bloody packed and we actually wound up near the farmhouse which I didn't think ever happened.  I want to own a Renaissance village on my property. I would throw parties all the time :P  The faire was fun, and Sean and I tried some new foods. Watched another joust, which I think is losing its magic.  We explored shops and different things and I didn't even buy anything.  On the way up however I found out that my car is pretty jacked.  Apparently the gas I got that night at Minit Mart was crap (My sister in law saw them sweeping trash into it earlier - yay me) and it's bad - Richard says it smells bad even. So there is probably junk in my tank and the lines.  Forty bucks wasted.  Then, the fuel injectors are screwed up. I'm losing oil somewhere.  Yeah, yeah. There are even hoses that need replacing and my exhaust is messed up.  So, I'm probably taking a loan out from the bank and getting a new car and maybe even a second job.

We went home and watched Mamma Mia. It was pretty funny, but sometimes the music just seemed forced.  I LOVED the video at the end however. Toooo funny. And the guys dancing on the beach.  Ah, so funny.  We lounged on the couch and eventually went to sleep. Left at 6ish the next morning, and another 13 hour drive home. I actually managed to sleep for some of this one. I miss my mummy. 

So I'm looking for a car. Keep that in mind.

And school starts back tomorrow.

Darn it.

That's about it for this fun blog. I'm tired, so it probably isn't all that epic and I apologize. More later. Bye oh fellowship.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Okay, so it's fall break. How awesome is that?  Sadly I was doing homework on the drive up to see my mom. Yeah, homework.

However, yesterday I was waiting on my sister to pick me up, so I was sitting outside of Cherry Hall.  And a leaf fell on my head.  That's right.  THE LEAVES ARE FALLING!!!!  I was so excited it was ridiculous.

We met Heather and her friend (who I already knew, oh yea) at B&N and she helped her work on knitting her hat.  I miss knitting. But who has the time? Though I Supposed I could do that when I was procrastinating. Besides the point, my friends, besides the point. I bought too much sweet stuff, but the pumpkin latte was awesome. We all shared Pizza.  Heather, friend (I shall have to find out if I can disclose her first name) and I laughed over random utterly geeky things and school.  Even better, said friend works at the same walmart as my hubby, and I when I said he works in Sporting Goods she said "Is he the one that reads the bible all the time"  OMG! It was hilarious, because he just found out that his Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy book looks like a bible. And he sits in the break room and laughs as he reads it.  So I'm sure people think he is a Satan worshiper now.  Ah. Well.

The leaves in VA are downright colorful.  Tomorrow we are going to the National Museum of Natural History, having a picnic, watching a Coral Reef Imax and seeing all the monuments in DC again (my hubby has never been).

It shall be awesome. And I shall take a million pictures. I think I had over a five hundred last time.  Saturday will be the Ren Fest.  Oh the joys!!!

Trust me, epic blogs shall be coming.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Yep, that title is Latin.  And it's a curse word.  Try to figure it out :P

Anyways, this past week has literally sucked.  Last Saturday on the way home from my sister's, my car died. It began making terrible sounds, along with backfiring (or at least a smaller version of the noise), and losing power.  I managed to make it to a little store right before my house and pulled over. In the end, my father-in-law made it to my house in it, but we still have no idea what is wrong with it. He has been super busy, so he finally looked at it Tuesday, and still doesn't know. He has to buy the reader for the comp. chip in it.  Wish me luck.

Sunday, I woke up with a terrible terrible cold.  I felt horrible all day, but still managed to do some homework. I figured out that my car wouldn't even be looked at at about seven that night. Attempted to find a way to school and failed.  So I missed all four of my classes Monday.  There was a highlight of Monday but I'm keeping that to myself  :P I had an idea for a ride, but I woke up Monday with a migraine and just said "screw it."  So yeah.  I was really upset about that. Plus, I never got rid of my migraine. I managed to read throughout the idea because it didn't hurt, but I couldn't use my computer or even barely watch tv.  I tried all my methods for getting rid of it and it REFUSED!  Stercum.

So, Tuesday, still had a migraine. My husband's aunt took me to work however, and finally it went away around 11.  I was so happy.  But I was too exhausted to really care.  Sad, huh?  Still no word on the car either.  My sister won a spa party through the bank and it was Tuesday night at 6:30.  I rode with a friend we had invited.  We started over with a cleaning scrub, and then a lotion that heats up on your face and helps cleanse it. That was cool.  We proceeded to use instant manicure stuff on our hands and that smelled wonderful.  Finally, we came to several other things.  It was a sales pitch, but the lady was nice and we knew her from high school.  We got to put pedicure stuff on our feet, wrap them in plastic bags, then put on heated socks (those were awesome).  Our feet sat like that for a while.  We got magazines with the products, a sales pitch, tried different lotions and smelt different things.  Oh, and a lip therapy thing which was interesting. Then, with background music to boot, she put damp hot washcloths on our face that had this Detox bath soak on them.  OH MY GOD I LOVED IT.  It was so soothing. She turned off the light and went through some relaxation stuff and I loooved it.  It was great though because my sister's little boy came in and said "Time for eats!" before my brother-in-law could stop him. We all died laughing.  Finally, we went through a bit more, played a game for five dollars off, and someone got to draw for a prize. Heather, we missed you! I ordered the detox stuff.  It was AMAZING! I was so relaxed. For ten minutes. At the same time, my husband texted me towards the end of that he had locked his keys in his car and I needed to ride back with Nikki (the friend who brought me). -sighs-  I'm having my own party so I can get the free hot/cold wrap.

So, I wind up back in Bowling Green at 9:30 pm. With homework I needed to do that was at home. -sighs- My husband got off at 10.  I realize that I don't have a key to his car.  He needs me to help unlock it manually.  Which results in us spending almost two hours trying to hold a pry bar, use the hanger, and a flashlight to see.  My wrists were KILLING me.  It just wouldn't work, and he's done it before.  Finally I think to call a friend, and he comes and geniusly twists the hanger to catch the top of the door handle and unlock it. -sighs- It was after 1 am when I collapsed into bed. I also found out that my father-in-law needs  thing-a-ma-jig to read my car's comp. that night.

Wednesday, I made it to school.  I was sick, exhausted and just down right grumpy.  Sean woke me up that morning to tell me the cats spilled apple juice on my laptop and not to turn it on. My bibliography which I thought was due was on it and no where else.  OMG.  I talked to the teacher and she informed me it was moved to Friday.  Then mentioned the primary document that I forgot to read. Luckily it was only eight pages and I did that during a break. Latin was fun and I found out he forgot to pass an attendance sheet around Monday, so I got a free absence - THANK GOD. The day went okay, and after I got home I did a little work and watched The Avengers. I had another migraine.

Thursday, well that's today.  Still nothing on the car.  Still working on the bibliography and my paper for my other class.  I've gotten great feedback on it from fellow students (required in my online class) and the writing center.  They've all pointed out the ending, but it was a cop out. The girl from the writing center averaged 10 um-s a minute (I counted) in her audio feedback - I wanted to punch something. She was really sweet and said I had beautiful writing/voice though. I feel spiffy.  Less stressed. No headache. Nikki, one of my besties and my "person" put this on my Facebook wall:
"I know you have had a rough past 2 weeks and I sorry, but I want you to know I love you and I am always here for you. I give you hell and pick on you all the time because I luvses ooo!"

Aw, I love her :)  Tomorrow I have to drive my husband's car, get dog food, and come home to work my butt off. Next week is fall break and I am really looking forward to having the time off.  Plus, it will be awesome at the faire. I am sad that I have a paper due the Monday right after break, because I will have to do that this weekend. It never ends.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Ode to my Fellowship

So, Heather is awesome. And part of my fellowship. That's right, peeps, I am now calling you my fellowship.  Of course... there's only two people who read this thing. I need seven more. I must make nine. MWAHAHA, thanks for the idea Heather.  I'm so nerdy it's scary.  On a better note, Heather came up with it. What does that make her?  (I don't know how you didn't realize you were a nerd, dear!)  To continue with the very sad LOTR nerdness, my marriage band has elvish writing.  And this was Tolkien week.  That's right, it's also the 75th anniversary of The Hobbit.  Today was the day to have Second Breakfast.  Sadly, I was in class. Sucks, right?

I got a Gandalf Bobble Head. It's so freaking cute. Becky proceeded to say, "When someone tries to pass, yell, YOU SHALL NOT PASS! and speed up."  OMG I died laughing.  And I shall now always think that.  That's right idiots. You shall not pass me.  Gandalf will refuse.  Makes me wish my window rolled down. -sighs-

I'm sure there were a million other things that Heather, Becky and I rambled about that would be funny.  I just have a sucky memory. Heather bought a game called Origins.  Let's just say, Chip off the Ol' Block has a whole new meaning.  We ate pumpkin cheesecake, knitted, did homework, rambled and dreamed.  It was a wonderful night.  Even better, I got my Gandalf. Did I mention that?

School is kicking my butt.  Of course, it would help if I just really really wanted to do anything. Anything at all. I wish I could curl up in bed and not move for several days. It's frustrating. I want to do well. I just don't want to do anything. Snap, circular logic.  I went and talked to my professor of Latin after class in his office.  Apparently I am the only one who has been in four weeks. Aren't I special?  I made a joke about just always being a suck up to teachers and we both laughed. Sadly, it's almost true.  However, he's a giant dork and pretty cool and I did need help. I want to do well enough that I'm willing to seek it.  Sort of. When I want to do anything. 

I made Heather's blog. Isn't it sad that that's a huge highlight for me?  Heather, we need lives.  Speaking of lives, during a documentary in class there was an add for New Zealand and traveling there. I recognized the places immediately.  And it showed Hobbitton. I nearly cried. 100% Middle Earth. OH LORD TAKE ME THERE!  I sighed after it, and my friend Emily looked over at me and laughed.  Oh, Middle Earth. Oh! They have translated The Hobbit into Latin. So cool.  My Latin professor showed me Winnie The Pooh in Latin. It translates into Winnie that pooh. Isn't that terrible? He thinks they were going for Winnie the famous pooh. Not much better. Actually, maybe worse.

I'm trying to think of something cool to report. Or even say. I have nothing. Of course, no one reads this so I don't suppose it matters.  .... Was that supposed to cheer me up? I think it just depressed me.  Back to writing.  Writing.  Cutting actually about nine pages from my story so I can submit it. Lord, that sucks.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Only two weeks till...

The Maryland Renaissance Faire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't it amazing? My sister's mother-in-law made it for me ( I call her la la -- mother-in-law-law - get it?).  I owe her so much!  It is so beautiful, it feels amazing!!  It's so comfy! I cannot wait to wear it.

In other news, not much going on. School is crazy. Updates tomorrow.  To Homework!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


"Oh no I said it!" "Oh no I did it again" "AHHH"

So, I'm watching Monty Python and The Holy Grail.  My English Lit teacher showed us a clip in class Wednesday (Huge bonus points for him), and it made me want to watch it again.  Once again I am procrastinating, but I had my Latin test yesterday, and I knew it!!!  I answered all the questions without problems and had all three charts memorized. I am very proud of myself.  I also have made 100% on both of my vocabulary quizzes. 

I have been feeling sick off and on all week, and my second class was canceled yesterday. That meant that after I finished my test at 9:30, I didn't have another class until 12:40.  I just couldn't wait around that long, especially since I could miss my last class six times.  I headed home, and unfortunately hit Brownsville too soon. The parade for the fair was at nine, and I figured after ten it would be smooth sailing. Sadly, no. I got there at fifteen after on the edge of town and it took twenty-five minutes to get through the traffic and out of Brownsville. I was not happy. Got home, collapsed and slept for a few hours.  Then I watched some Angel.  Wound up with a migraine. Tried to ignore it and it went away for awhile. I did all the dishes (finally!) and cleaned.  I sat down to read and about 10 pm my migraine hit with a certain force of evil.  I felt utterly sick and tried to fight it. I laid down in bed in complete darkness and knew I was going to lose the battle.  Proceeded to take pepto bismal and lay back in bed. I lost.  I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Lord, I have avoided that for a while.  Haven't had a migraine that bad for ages, either. -sighs-  However, on a good note, the pepto bismal was the only thing I tasted since I had just swallowed two spoonfuls of it. 

I'm trying to think of anything that is remotely amusing, but really can't.  I met Heather Wednesday to help with some math.  She was doing word problems, which really is my weakest area.  I helped with some of it, but sadly didn't really help much. I felt useless.  On a better note, Barnes and Noble has pumpkin cupcakes in which are to die for, as well as their pumpkin spice lattes and fraps.  OOOHHH Fall, how I cannot wait for you.

There is a writing competition at school and I think I shall enter. I never when these things but I can try. There is also a magazine calling for entries and maybe I will try that as well. Wish me luck. 

'Skip a bit brother.' "Count to three. No more or less. Three shall be the number thou shall count and the number thou shall count will be three.  Four shall not be count, nor shall two unless thou proceeds to three.'

Ah, so funny.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Breathe in... Breathe out...

I'm sitting here having to rewrite a commentary for class.  I forgot about it, wrote it twenty minutes before class, and of course was given a C.  Ah well.  We all get to redo them and make a letter grade higher.  Still, I sit here trying to figure out what to say, and I'm just like... screw it. I wonder if Heather has a new blog entry?  Then I go back to my paper... three sentences later... I need to blog. Yep, so here I am folks, all bloggy like.

School has been crazy already and for whatever reason I am just about to procrastinate myself to death.  I have lucid moments where it makes sense to study and these moments where I'm like ANGEL! BLOG! FACEBOOK! SLEEP!  Yeeeeaaah. I'm in trouble.  Apparently, according to my training on stress at work Friday, it can be a sign of hyperstress.  Hehehehe.... sadly that makes sense.  That and I have one year left so for the first time ever, I'm pretty sure I've hit a burnt out point.  -sighs-  This cannot happen. I refuse.  Wish me luck with that, please?

Heather and I joined a book club again.  The same one we met in last year.  This one might actually have more than just us and the professor in it. I'm excited but it also means I need more time, less procrastination.  I also need to hide my nook from myself - I finished the fourth Anita Blake book.  Even better, Heather had a dream about me teaching her magic because we were trapped in school.  The hilarious thing is she told me right after I decided I was researching the history of magic and how it evolved as a crime for my history thesis.  And I'm studying Latin - I tell you - it's a premonition.  Though I wonder why we were trapped in school... Hmmmm

I got my hair cut yesterday and proceeded to spend uber money on shampoo and conditioner. I wanted to try something new and it made my hair feel GREAAT!  We shall see.  Becky and I shopped then met up with the rest of the family for the fair.  It was fun and reminded me of the days in high school when studying was something I never had to do, homework was almost nonexistent, and I didn't really have to worry about any bills. Pah on it all.  We ate funnel cake, rode the Sizzler, danced around like crazy people, and all in all had a fabulous time!  Today I might be going back out with Stephanie - see procrastination.  My ear is killing me, and I did not think through the rushing wind/pressure of the rides..... too late now.

So, anyone have any ideas on Beowulf?  Or um... what I should rewrite? -sighs-  I hate when I ramble, it makes things harder for later.  On a brighter note, I am Phi Alpha Theta president again.  Oh, and my anniversary (four year) is Thursday. I ORDERED MY RING!!! THE ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA.....  And, in October I get to go to the ren faire again!  I am suuuch a nerd.

Watched Mirror Mirror last night.  My favorite part (I'm such a dork) was when Snow White decided to go to the village. She walks up to the guards and says "I'm going out"  This is the following conversation, ad libbed a bit.
 "Can she do that?"
"I don't know"
"I don't either.  She's going though"
"I won't tell if you don't"
"She's going out!" (to the other guards)
"Pinky swear?"
"Pinky swear."

Ah. It was a pretty good movie.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just a quick post:

Hey!  A historical fiction writer is having a contest.  Here is a link to one of his books:

And the link to the contest:

Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm Not Dead Yet

(Title anyone?)

All right, so the first week is over.  And I must say, thank god that it is, and THANK GOD FOR LABOR DAY!!!!  It is so sad that I needed this three day weekend already.  Sadly, after today I'm looking at a very scary vocab quiz in Latin on Wednesday. -shudders-

So, first week down.  Everyone cheer!  Heather and I have barely had time to text, we have both been so busy.  I've only seen my sister once.  Work was long and usual.  Classes.  Well, Latin seems like it will be very rewarding, if I do not scare myself to death from the stress of learning a new language. I've been trying to memorize these words and I am not having such a great time at it. I seem to be doing the drills okay, though there is one I haven't touch because I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT WANTS -AHHHH-

Ahem.  English Literature seems like it will be interesting, although slightly boring.  The teacher seems fun, but he is scatter brained, bless his heart. He goes off on random topics.  Beowulf is also the first thing we are doing, and I have that almost memorized. (Go Dr. Langdon!)  I've read it about four or five times now, not to mention reading it in high school.  I have to write a commentary for the class, which I shall do in a little bit.  I do like my teacher for this class, and I think it will be fun.  I also have it with some people I know, which is always a plus.

20th Century Europe is interesting.  It's a lecture class, but the teacher also really likes feedback and getting us to analyze things.  For whatever reason, I'm more fond of straight lecture because I like learning more than listening to other students.  Of course, this may be because I'm always either the only one out of three that will talk or my past experiences with Civil War girl and the guy who ever shuts up but only repeats what the teacher has said. And oh yeah, he's in this class. Yay meeeee.  I'm also never so fond of modern history, but hey, at least we talked about the Eiffle Tower and Paris!

Senior Seminar is going to kick my butt.  I have to figure out a basis for a research topic later today, so that should be fun.  Coffee anyone? And I have to be original. Crap!  A 25 page research original paper.  Oi, the fun this shall be. Sadly I'm scared and looking forward to it. I seem to have this emotion a lot.....   Oh, and civil war girl is in this class.  AHHHHHHH.....

My Advanced Composition class online is going pretty well.  I have it with quite a few friends which is awesome.  I'm not sad about dropping Nonfic but I really need to remember to change my major Wednesday.  This class is all about editing and your own writing, so I think I will really enjoy it.  After all, I always wanted to be an editor, I just refused to move to New York.

Well... that's a recap of my classes.  So far as anything else, Friday I didn't do too much, and Saturday, Nikki and I went shopping at Goodwill and then to Opry Mills.  They close at nine which is just plum ridiculous. I did get the absolute most comfy sweat pants (and they make my butt look good!).   Yesterday I read an Anita Blake book (That's two for this weekend), and sat around without electric for almost two hours.  I even did homework. Early.  Oh yeaaaaah.

Today, so far I've just sat around, started a third book, done some homework, and will eventually get off my butt, do dishes, shower, go see my sister for a bit, and come back to do more blasted homework.  Life is so much fun during school, isn't it?

I have no really funny conversations to relate. I had a few, but I waited so blasted long to blog that I've lost them.  Sad and disappointing, no?  I shall strive to be more funny, like Heather.  Or Angel.  (Heh, oh yeah, I've been watching Angel...)  Well, It is a three day weekend. I had time to slack off right? Right?  Please say I did....

Fall Reading List

Okay, so this is just my Summer reading list continued into another semester. I think in January next year, I will just start a new reading list for the whole year. If you don't want to know anything about the books, I will occasionally have major spoilers, as a WARNING!

Anita Blake Series:

1. Guilty Pleasures (8/31/12) -287-
So, I am rereading the Anita Blake books. I must say that I love them as much as I ever did.  As always, I'm attracted, I think, to characters who aren't sure what to do as they change and life changes.  Anita is certain in the first book that there are bad and good guys.  By book three, she will be realizing this isn't always true.  Anita Blake is hilarious, full of sarcasm, and she collects Stuffed Toy Penguins. Oh wait that's it. I love her for that, :P  Penguins!  Someone else who collects Penguins. Of course, she's cooler and tougher than I will ever be.  Still, it's awesome.  In this book she deals with master vampires, and kills the big bad evil, as always.  Anita is a zombie queen.  The writing is well done, and progressive. Yep. I just don't have a lot to say on this one. Read them!

2. The Laughing Corpse (9/2/12) -285-
This book definitely covers the gruesome world.  A zombie rises and the raiser loses control. It proceeds to eat people. Lots of people. By tearing them apart. Hamilton can really manage to detail the sick and disgusting.  If you are squeamish, don't read them.  Luckily, I manage.  Anita is still dealing with Jean-Claude.  I'm happy to say that I have read books further in the series (I'm honestly not sure how far I read. Darn it, why I haven't I been doing this longer?).  Anyways, I really like the characters in this book, as well as the story lines.  I do know that sometimes I hate hearing the same details repeated about characters, RPIT and other things. I understand she has to, in case people just picked up the book. Still, it can be annoying anyways.

3. Circus of the Damned (9/3/12) -288-
I find it interesting that at the end of every book, Hamilton has started including notes.  Different insights. This is the last book that has Anita sure of what is evil or good.  I must say, that as the world evolves, it is interesting to see the decisions that the characters make.  In this book Anita is fooled by a master vampire over a million years old.  I find that in every book, the crimes and the violence and the sexual tension grow.  Not every crime has to be as gruesome, but each strikes at different truths. As with the Rachel Morgan book, I find it fun to imagine what life would be like in the modern world if such creatures were real (they might be) and if we knew about them. I truly believe that the US would let the vampires become citizens and have rights. Obviously I love the writing. Read the book!

4. The Lunatic Cafe (9/6/12) -312-
I should have reviewed this one as soon as I wrote it.  Of course, Anita is always challenging others.  She's a smart aleck.  She's brave beyond belief, even if some of it comes from being down right stubborn.  The shapeshifters take a larger role in this book and she finally starts to see Richard for the werewolf he is. I'll admit it right now that he was never really a favorite of mine.  He is just too condemning of Anita. It would never work.  Of course, that's a huge spoiler, because I'm pretty sure at some point they break up. Anyways, I like Jean Claude.  Ah well.  The things people will resort too are always astounding.  Amazingly, even though I know these crimes can't be committed, others just as shocking are.  The world is insane. Now add the monsters.

5. Bloody Bones (9/10/12) -336-
I really need to stop reading during the semester. There is a reason I normally don't. -sighs- So this may be the last at least for a week.  Heh.  Anyways, The Anita books are always amazing.  I get drawn into the story and I have to keep reading. It takes true will power to lay them down to do something else, like sleep or homework.  I like this especially because it introduces the world of the fey into the mix.  I love these books because there are all new concepts, like rotting vampires, special powers, and necromancers.  Of course, Anita's power is growing as well. These books always surprise you. I do know that the sex starts soon in the books, and I warn you, if you are faint of heart, do not read them.  I read many of them when I was in high school and small things start coming back to me. It's weird.

6. The Killing Dance (9/17/12) -354-
This is the book where things begin to be amped up.  I really like Edward. But he informs Anita that there is a hit out on her and from there things go crazy. Edward comes to town to help her, because as normal, he can kill more things if he keeps her alive, than if he tries to kill her. For whatever reason, Edward also interests me. He's a crazy but not so crazy character who fills a purpose and is unlike many others you read about. I like him.  Anita likes him, though she is wary of him.  This book is of course all about finding out about the hit, and trying to cure Richard of his squimishness.  This is also the first book we finally have a sex scene. Trust me, honey, it goes down from there. Eventually these books turn into a book that you can open just about anywhere and find a sex scene. And Hamilton is inventive. Really inventive. It's also just downright interesting plot, so you keep on trucking.

7. Burnt Offerings (9/21/12) -375-
 This is the book when the council comes to visit. It is very interesting. I have to say, that Hamilton manages to transform the world of vampires into something new. I would say I'm dadgum tired of vampires but I love Hamilton's books. It helps that she has necromancers, shape shifters and all manner of supernatural (preternatural) creatures.  There is also something that is always new, always unexpected that Anita has to deal with.  These book manage not to be one story dragging on forever, but individual stories that coincide with the same character. I don't mind how many of them there are. You could stop whenever you want to. But who wants to?  This books are wonderful.

8. Blue Moon (9/24/12) -396-
This book delves more deeply into Anita's and Richard's proplems.  Richard has some serious issues in accepting himself and who he is.  He also cannot accept Anita.  They keep falling into each other though, and this time, Anita has run to his rescue even though they aren't currently together. This book brings in Demons for the first time, which was really interesting. It also answers some religious questions for Anita.  I liked this book quite a bit, but then I like all of them. Honestly, I'm getting tired of Richard. His self-denial is just darn annoying. Go figure.  Anita loves him though, and it's insane to see what they try to do to be with each other. Oh, and the munin.  That is some interesting stuff.

9. Obsidian Butterfly (No clue) -556-
 New monsters, new town, new vampires.  This book concerns Edward. I like Edward, as I have stated but he has got himself into some serious stuff, and he calls Anita in. It deals with their relationship's, Ted (Edward's legal personality) and his new problems, and the new big bad that is trying to take over this part of town.  I must say that the new abilities are really cool. Anita is also still trying to figure herself out and what is going on. She learns in this book that she has to stop running from herself.  I love this book simply because I got to learn more about Edward, and Anita sees a whole new side of him. The idea of soul mate is also brought up and that was incredibly interesting. This may be one of my favs of the Anita Blake series.

10. Narcissus in Chains (10/13/12) -551-
This book had some warped stuff.  I haven't mentioned but slowly and surely sex is coming up more and more in these books. Anita has finally given in and come back to the guys. She's stopped running, and it's nice.  I love that Anita is always changing, having to learn to accept who she is and everything that means. Micah is a new character and I really like him.  This is a great book, full of Jean-Claude and all the others I like. SPOILER ALERT - Richard and Anita are finally over in this book and I'm happy. I was just so over him.  He finally accepted himself, but he cannot accept Anita and it pisses me off. END SPOILER.  On another note, these books are getting harder to read in public. They are kinda turning into porn.

11. Cerulean Sins (Not sure) -560-
 This is really the first book that Anita has to deal with vampires directly in Europe.  Musette, Belle Morte's stand in, comes to see Jean Claude.  There are some interesting discoveries made in this book, and Anita truly has to walk a fine line in dealing with Musette, and Belle. Vampire Politics are very confusing, but I suppose after hundreds of years they would be.  She is also having to deal with being happy for the first time and figuring out exactly what that means.  This book was really good, and I can't remember all the major details because somehow I forgot to list it. Which probably means I'm reading way too much this semester. Go me!

12. Incubus Dreams (10/25/12) -702-
So, first off, this book seriously amps up the sex levels.  Anita winds up having sex with ... three or so more people and one when they are furry.  Still, she makes leaps and bounds with two of her relationships and Richard finally seems to come around to everything a little bit more.  She forges her own triumvirate, which is really cool.  There are new leaps and hurdles they have to find.  I liked this book more because it focused on them, more than the murder investigation that was going on at the moment.  I really liked that.  I'm missed Edward a lot. Have I mentioned that? Dadgum it, he needs to show up again.  This book and sex.... lord it's some interesting stuff.  Really makes you wonder about some of the things and whether or not to try them....

13. In The Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White (10/27/12 ) -309-
This is creative nonfiction and though I'm not happy with the genre right now I am enjoying this book.  You can see him changing through his experiences and I like it. I also am a people watcher so it's interesting to see the "lepers" from his point of view. The memories and the changes that Neil White goes through are very worth reading.  His love for his children is touching and his own problems and choices as he looks back upon them makes us feel for him.  Overall, I mostly loved the stories of the people surrounding him more than than his own hangups.  He screwed up majorly - but then we all do.  This Sanctuary seems like a lovely place.  The story is touching, and teaching. It's worth the read, and it doesn't take that long.

 14. Micah (10/28/12) -109-
I was supposed to stop reading for this weekend, and then I figured out that this book was only 109 pages.... so I read it. I remember my boss was pissed because this book cost just as much as the ones that were 500 pages.  Which isn't fair.  Still, as I said on the last, it was really great to focus on Anita and her life whether than the crime being committed. It was even better to see Anita alone with only one of the men in her life: Micah. It allowed room for him to grow as a character, and we learn more about his past.  it also allowed us a chance to see them together, how they interact and what that means.  There was also a very long steamy sex scene. I mean, she can't write one book without it. I get it dealing with Anita's powers and all, it's just so far from where Anita began, it sometimes really is crazy.

15. Danse Macrebre (Not Sure) -576-
This is the giant scare for Anita.  After having crazy amounts of sex, even on the pill, she hits a pregnancy scare.  She has to make some huge decisions, and also deal with growing levels of power for all concerned.  She has about ten different men to worry about being the father, she's having to deal with her animals trying to pick their own mates, and her body continually trying to shift even though it cannot.  This is an interesting book because it looks upon the lifestyles as well as each man and how willing they are to help Anita.  It gives a whole new side to many of them, and once again makes me want to punch Richard in the face.  I'm always wanting to punch Richard in the face.

16. The Harlequin (11/13/12) -448-
EDWARD WAS BACK!!!! Yep, I was so happy!  I love Edward. I love him even more after book.  I think that Hamilton is exploring telling more of just Edward's story in the comic books or whatever, and that I would love to read.  Cause I love Edward.  Oh, and this book makes me want to punch Richard in the face even more.  I love as well the fact that you learn even more about vampire culture in this novel, and the Mother of All Darkness.  There are some pretty giant revels in this book, Anita learns to be okay with being happy for the most part, and new power levels are reached, as always.  It's pretty dadgum awesome.  GO THIS BOOK!

17. Blood Noir (11/18/12) -326-
This book allows us to see more of Anita and Jason. I really like Jason.  He's awesome and his relationship with Anita grows in this book, which makes me happy.  Richard also takes another huge tumble into nothing, and I'm glad when he makes fewer and fewer appearances.  There is just so much of that you can stand.  The book also deals more with The Mother of All Darkness.  The interest of the ultimate vampire in Anita Blake is very interesting.  Anita travels to a small town so that Jason can visit his dying father.  He winds up in huge trouble because he looks just like someone. Trouble follows Anita everywhere she goes.  There is very little interaction with Jean-Claude and this has pretty much been the case for awhile. I'm missing him a bit.

18. Skin Trade (11/20/12) -486-
In this a previous serial killer comes back and sends Anita a gift in a box. She has to travel to Las Vegas to deal with it and it causes her problems with Jean Claude.  Edward comes back in this book. Have I mentioned how much I love Edward?   This book wasn't was great as the others, but Edward makes up for it.  From the reviews I saw it apparently didn't go over well with other readers.  At least there was a tad bit least sex in this book.  I do think Hamilton seriously needs to tone down the land of Sex in the books. I understand that Anita has sexual powers and all that jazz, but it gets a bit ridiculous when I feel like I'm just reading porn.

19. Flirt (11/23/12) -117-
This book was a nice aside.  However, the person who bought it on their nook was pissed because it is only 117 pages and it cost as much as all the rest.  It was a small look into Anita's mind, new developments in her power, as always, and of course, it had to have one sex scene.  I'm actually a bit tired of the sex.  There's just so much of it.  That and Hamilton loves to describe in minute detail every single person that Anita comes close to (especially men) in over detail and immediately.  It is almost annoying how obsessed she is with eyes.  At the same time, I understand it.  Still crazy however.  It is a short book.  We get new Lions.  We learn a little more about another community, though there were some unanswered questions. I'm still waiting for a blow up fight between Anita and Jean Claude because he's not but been barely mentioned in the past three or four books. :(

20. Bullet (---) -356-
I'm currently reading this. I must say that I am tired of the blasted clothing descriptions. I seriously just went through about ten pages of nothing but descriptions of how hot the guys who surround her on and everything they are wearing down to their shoes. The shoes which she had already mentioned.  NO ONE CARES THAT MUCH!  In the beginning it was kinda neat. During huge functions, it's awesome.  Just for one meeting, no one cares what color shirt everyone has. And I have heard the description of Micah's eyes so many times I hate them.  Once a book is just dandy fine.  -sighs-  More on the book later.

21. Hit List (----) -320-

22. Kiss The Dead (---) -368-

23. A Kiss of Shadows ( ? ) -480-

24. A Caress of Twilight (12/29/12) -368-

25. Seduced By Moonlight (12/30/12) -432-

26. A Stroke of Midnight (12/31/12) -416-

For School: (I'm not including all of them but the ones that are more like novels)

1. Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell -213-
This book was way better than I ever expected. It's a work of creative nonfiction, and it comes from the writers own past during the Great Depression. The story is well written and he tells the simple truths of life.  From being so poor that you have to beg for money (which is illegal), sell yourself, sell your possessions, try to get any job possible, or simply wander around from spike to spike, forced to ramble because of government rules against tramps.  It's heatbreaking, soul-searching pain, full of memories, tears, and the compelling force that just makes someone want to live.  Really, read it. Even if you aren't interested in history (heck, I'm not even fond of modern history), it's an amazing story.

2. Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott -237-
This also was much better than I thought it would be. It's a book about how to write, which I usually hate. However, she uses her own life, memories and thoughts to convey how she writes and what worked best for her. She isn't so much demanding you write a certain way, but giving ideas on how to make yourself a writer. It has nothing to do with writing style. Simple rules, instead, like writing a little bit every day, keeping index cards to write down ideas, not worrying about publishing because it isn't the end all of all things like you think it is, but to write for yourself because it's what you enjoy.  She shared some beautiful memories and her personality shines through her writing like a beacon of hope to other lost writers.  If you like to write at all, I would actually recommend this book.

3.  The Beautiful Mrs. Seidenman: A Novel by Andrze Szcypiorski -208-
This was an interesting take on Poland during WWII. The characters are look backwards from after the war, during communist war, onto the past of WWII and the Nazi rule.  The different feelings, characters of all religions, and people from all sides really gives a different take on how to feel about the Nazis during WWII and truly proves that not all Nazis were Jew-haters and terrible people.  Sometimes people are forced into actions that they do not wish to do, and other times they simply are trying to survive themselves.  This really was a great piece of work and I really enjoyed reading it.

Total Pages: 10,781