Thursday, October 3, 2013


HI!  I was getting fussed at today because I never post on my blog. So look! Here I am. Posting on my blog. Yep.

If you follow me on Facebook, you already know this but....


I am very excited, and yes so is my husband. These seem to be the first questions everyone asks.  And yes I was crazy enough to be trying when I knew I was going into grad school. I'm hoping for a girl.  So far we have come up with Victor Cole and Victoria Rose (I really, really, really love Victoria Rose, Tory for short...).   Also today I came up with Flynn Oliver....  So much fun!

I was going to go to sleep because I was not having a good reaction to my BLT pizza but I started talking to Amanda (my sister-in-law) on facebook.  Now I'm listening to loud music and typing on my blog. I'm thinking sleep after this though... I haven't made it to eleven pm in a very long time. I'm finally starting to get some energy back now that I am fifteen weeks (and five days!). My due date is March 24.  We are having a gender reveal party.  And of course, a baby shower or two.  Nikki is planning those and having way to much fun. Pinterest is our best friend, by the way.  Tons of cool stuff on.  I'm going for Owls.  I love owls.  I found some really awesome stuff today.

In other big news, we are in the process of buying a house and it should close next Friday if everything goes well.  I am so ready to be out of this house.  Yeah, it was a great deal but there have just been too many problems and the news house is bigger and better laid out and all on one floor and I can have people over and it'll be fun.  We are actually screening in the back porch and putting the litter boxes and cat stuff out there too.  They will be able to come in, but seeing as how Deeogee won't be able to go out there, I don't think Tripps will ever come back in... We will be about 10 - 15 miles closer to Bowling Green which is making me ecstatic.  I am so tired of driving.

OH! DRIVING! I HAVE A NEW CAR!!!!  Major, major props to my brother-in-law Chris who went car shopping with me for two days and discovered just how much it sucks nowadays. I wound up with a 1997 Toyota Corolla.  The owners (the tour bus driver at WKU and his wife) had named it Cricket, so I lovingly kept the name.  This car is great.  And in great condition.  And I love it.  It needs to love me for the next two years... and it gets around 34 miles to the gallon!!!  We are still working on Sean.  My father-in-law is taking over our current house with the garage, so hopefully he finally figure out what is wrong with the Alero and get it fixed.

I hate the song Blurred Lines.

School is going well as is the new job. I really love working with students.  I have all A's so far, so that's cool. Yep. Everyone has been really great with planning for next semester when I shall have to take time off. I've also still managed to have lunch with Cole every week and see everyone in the LAC so that has been great.

I'm trying to think of random interesting things...

Deeogee is doing well. Crazy as always.  She just shoved her way under a pile of blankets because she has to sleep that way 90% of the time. She just stuck her nose out enough to lay it on my laptop desk. Lol.  She is so crazy. And cute.  Arwen is still doing well, still just as spazzy.  Moe is going strong. The cats are tormented but doing well. Tripps is SO FAT.  I'm going to have to cut back on their food even more than I have.  Lady drives me crazy but she's cute.  My father in law may keep her.  Mrs. Fuzzbutt is as elegant as ever.  She comes and sees me on the bed all the time now, though eventually she gets chased off by Deeogee.

It is killing me not to decorate for Halloween but seeing as how I'm fixing to pack everything up starting this weekend, and hopefully move by the end of October it just doesn't make sense... -sighs-  I miss it all.  I did get a Halloween cup that lights up when you push a button on the bottom.  Tis so awesome.

My sister-in-law got married.  We didn't get to go sadly.  I realized thought that even if we had bought the tickets I couldn't have gone.  What with the pregnancy, I couldn't have been drugged for my ear like I am supposed to be.  Ah well.  I saw some wonderful pictures, with more to come. She made a beautiful bride and I'm glad she is happy :)  They went to Disneyland for their honeymoon which stirred up my intense desire to go even more. Not to mention my fellow GA is a huge Disney fan and he interned there, and his finance proposed to him at Disneyworld so he talks about the time. And I've wanted to go even more since they finally built Belle's castle. Oh I love them.  However, another friend was pricing for her and her husband to go for four days and it was around 2400 dollars between the tickets, hotel there, and a plane down (which we would switch out with a rental car and gas for about the same).   There is NO way.  -sighs-  One day....  I have many things I want to do, and dadgum it, one day we shall.  Back to what this was originally about, Amanda looked beautiful and she really enjoyed it.  I can't wait to see more pictures.

Miley Cyrus needs a fashion intervention.

I am thinking about getting more tutoring on the side.  And editing papers.  I just got paid to edit a paper the other day.  And I am tutoring Painter every week on computers.  He is improving!! He uploaded a picture onto Facebook all by himself without his notes the other day and took pictures off his camera.  I was very proud. He even updated his status.  He is rather excited.  I love helping people and getting paid to do it is even better.  Maybe I will create a page on facebook...  In January I'm not going to have a paycheck because we aren't contracted for that month as GA's and I haven't been able to apply for any second jobs because Sean and I are sharing a car.  And well, who will hire me?  So I need to figure out something...

Do do do... I'm running out of stuff. I love my new laptop. 

OOOOH!  Denny's is coming out with another HOBBIT MENU on NOVEMBER 15TH!!! AND IT LOOKS DIFFERENT!! EVEN NEW STUFF TO TRY.  I AM SO GOING.  And I am still going to the midnight premiere!! People will just have to deal with my loud hormonal crying, shouting and cheering.... lol.

I am currently watching Disney songs on youtube...

Okay, really. I'm just out of random stuff. 

I really will try to blog.  It's fall break! Laters!