Monday, December 31, 2012

Ending 2012

The past few weeks (and really months) have been totally dreadful, and instead of talking about them, I would rather just think about the good things of 2012 so far. Here we go...

Since the summer I have read 47 books, or 17,802 pages total! Of course, that is mostly pleasure reading, not including a lot of the things I had to read for school. I think that is pretty awesome.  I'm just starting a list from the new year on to account for everything I read next year. Which starts in less than two hours.

A few resolutions I have planned (when I normally don't make any): 1. Try yoga or something to start destressing. 2. Be a uber-nerd for my last semester of undergrad. 3. Start exercising, dang it. 4. SAVE MONEY 5. (Most Importantly) Stop being a TV Zombie!!!!

I have done a few cool things this year.  Mostly right now all I can remember is the crap I'm stressed out about.  But let's see here...

I achieved awesome friend status with Heather.  I started this blog. I started a writing group, which begins next year.  I made some huge life decisions concerning Grad School.  I painted my bedroom, and did some awesome designing in there.  I came one step closer to a new bathroom.  I painted my utility room.  I made some other huge life decisions.  I bought a new (used) car. I did a ton of research. I did a ton of reading.  I reunited with some old friends.  I made new friends.  I've discovered a few new traits about myself, some of which I wasn't too happy with.  I branched out.

I'm sure there is way more than that.  Like a said, it's been a tough few weeks and an even worse few days.  I mostly wanna curl up with my nook and not move.  Which is probably what I'm going to do.  

This isn't the most awesome blog I've ever written.  At least I'm writing it. 

My hopes for 2013:
1. Better than 2012
2. Work through some issues
3. Save more
4. Live more

This year I have truly embraced being a procrastinator.  I don't like. I really want to stop. Trouble is, I keep putting that off to tomorrow.  Sadly, I was almost trying for that pun but really meaning it.  Netflix and Hulu have sucked me in. Remember that alien commercial about Hulu? I'm beginning to wonder if it's true.  So my most adamant resolution is to lower the amount of tv I watch. I'm thinking I'm allowed 1 episode a day, if that. I also want to start writing every day.

Well folks, Deeogee is begging for attention. Laters.

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