Monday, April 29, 2013

Fancy Title Goes Here

I haven't blogged in awhile, but I had to tonight. Twas the last night of my Southern Literature class, a class that has inspired several blog posts and a very long list of books to read this summer.  I love this class for the material, the discussions, the new friends I made, and because Dr. Berry is just an awesome teacher.

Dr. Wes Berry<-- And this is Dr. Berry:
As you notice - he has food. He wrote a book on KY BBQ, which one of these days I really will buy. Hey, I'm a poor college student.  He said something about drinking beer after class today, and I said something I had been thinking for awhile.  Teachers always talk about how they used to go drinking with their professors (especially in the history department) but none of them do it now. So Dr. Berry invited us all to a drink. After class, me and three others met him at Hilligan's and it was pretty fun!  We discussed classes, writings, and told him how awesome his class was in general. After he left, we hung out talking about literature, school and other such random things. Sadly, this was my first time there.  Ah well. I'm all responsible and crap.

Southern Lit was  my favorite class this semester, so it makes it harder to care about the rest of the week. However, I have my paper in that class to write (10 pages), and I already have all the research and have it read.  I even have it outlined. And topic sentences. And everything. So, my goal tomorrow night is to write that.  As a preview my title is:  "Opposition to Tradition? Bridging History and Culture Differences in Gloria Naylor's Mama Day."

My Modern China class was pretty cool today. Five of us presented the outlines for our papers.  My teacher seemed to like mine. She asked if we liked doing the presentations and we all said we liked the feedback. One girl said she wished we had done it last week so we had more time to work on it. Dr. Du asked us if we would like more time, since more time meant more work.  We were afraid to answer and told her so. So she clarified with "No, no, I wouldn't give you more work! Just more time means you would work more on it." Ah. Then yes. Yes we would. And she extended it from Friday to Monday.  Which is awesomeness. I have 1/16 pages, though I have all my research read and studied.

Phi Alpha Theta's banquet went wonderful. We had a hitch with the food, but it was fixed and peoples got free drinks.  Plus my ex-vice president bought me a drink which was cool. Gotta love free alcohol. We surprised Dr. Sanderfer with flowers and chocolate to thank her for everything she had done. I also talked to Dr. Plummer, my major mentor in all things History. She's so awesome. I hung out with Rachel and Johnny, as I gave them a ride.  Afterwards, Rachel, Anna and I went to Sweet Cici's and got some frozen yogurt.  Friday we had the first annual baseball game, nthanging out more all semester.  Ah, well. 

In other news, I'm pretty sure I announced that I WAS ACCEPTED INTO THE STUDENT AFFAIRS GRADUATE STUDIES PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!!  How awesome is that?  I also have an interview tomorrow for a GA Position with the Alumni, and then an interview Thursday for another position with South Campus. Yep, it's a busy week.

I hung out with my friend Morgan today and we had fun.  I sometimes wish I had done more than my college career, or finished quicker, or whatever, but then I wouldn't have had the past two semesters, which have been amazing. And I may never have started my novel.  Or met the people I have.  So no matter regrets or wonders I may ever have, I am thankful for every decision that I have made because it's led me to this amazing future I am looking at.  I graduate in less than two weeks.  I have a party I'm looking forward to with friends.  I have family coming down for the day.  I'm getting a massage, I already got fifty dollars, and a frame for my diploma and who knows what else I may get (money, money, money!). This summer we are doing tons to the house, and I'm creating our gaming room to have friends over (as my house is just really tiny).  I just can't wait.  Oh, and I'm joining a gym with my sister.  My hubby and I have started walking together, since with his new promotion (more money!) we are getting to spend more time together. Yep.  Life is great.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happily Ever After, The End?

Well, I'm hoping my interview went well. I think it did. I'm a terrible judge at these things.  Lord, I want in this master's program so badly that it will kill a part of me if I don't get in.  Wish me luck, please!

I did a silly thing. I wore open toed heels down the hill at WKU.  I killed my big toes. Got two giant blisters, and a cut on another toe, and my feet hated me.  I had to pop them... eeeeehhhh.  I hate doing that. Then I wore closed shoes on Friday, and my one toe royally hates me. So I haven't been able to go walking in a few days because it hurts to wear tennis shoes. I tried. -sighs-  I've done some other stuff to work out though, so that helps.  I could do more.  One step at a time I guess.

I worked on my novel tonight. Wrote about ten pages.  I'm proud of that.  I have around sixty (depending on the font).  I love this story.  I hope I can finish this novel. I want to. So badly. Today I woke up with my ear draining, my back and head hurting, and I wasted the whole day. Last night I actually made two presentations, read 1 article and four short stories.  Ups and doooowns.

Onto my tv zombieness - I finished Private Practice today.  It was a great show.  The end is beautiful.  Actually, the whole last season is. The main characters all get their own episode where it is from their point of view. There is one character who is reading a fairy tale book and it ends with a happily ever after.  She says that it isn't real life and we shouldn't read them to kids. It makes sense, and what she says is truthful, painful, poignant, and real. And the last episode gives everyone a happy ending. Do you know how awesome that is? Pretty dadgum awesome.  I really enjoyed it.  You should watch this show. Really.  It's great :)

Well, I just don't have much tonight.  Laters!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I know it's been a while since I have blogged, but life has been chaotic. And for once, it's been a happy chaos!  It's Spring!!! How awesome is that?  I'm so excited to be wearing flip flops, tank tops, and capris. It's pretty great.

I got an A on my midterm in Brit Lit, and an A on my midterm in Mythology.  Classes are going great, I have A's in all of them, so school is awesome.  Chaotic, stressed, way too much homework/reading, but it's going pretty well. My last semester. Wow.

I bought red heels and a graduation dress.  I bought a wonderful dress for my banquet and my interview.   We had a family bonfire that was tons of fun. I got to watch the first two episodes of Game of Thrones. My hubby got a promotion at work - he is now full time and a CSM on the third shift.  We'll have evening together, and he is going to exercise with me.

I've been exercising. Walking both dogs.  I want to start yoga in the mornings too.  I want to be healthier - and a tad skinnier.  And toned. Maybe eventually.

Yep. Life is pretty awesome. And it gooooes on :P

My interview is tomorrow at 1:00 pm for admission into the Student Affairs graduate program. I am so nervous excited that it is insane.  Wish me lots of luck.

We read Bitter in the Mouth for class yesterday. It was an wonderful book.  It is a very true growing up story.  Spoilers ahead, but I was looking for something that someone mentioned in class, that I noticed the first part was named "Confessions" and was dated August 3rd 1998, and the second part was "Revelations" and dated August 4th 1998.  Then, in one part she says that they are realized at the end of a journey.  And when she finds out about the death of her uncle in February, she leaves six months later to go home. Which would be in August. So it's her journey. Her journey back home. I know it's crazy but it just seemed really important to me, that I figured that out. I have no idea if its really that big of a deal, but it felt like it at the moment. Dr. Berry pointed out my Historian tendencies about dates. Haha.... it's true.  Darn it.

Anyways, it's a very good book, and you should read it!

I don't have much tonight, and I have a lot more to do. Laters,
