Saturday, November 17, 2012

Buckle the Hatches

So, I BOUGHT A CAR!  A 1997 Ford Escort with 165k miles.  It runs nice, and it looks pretty good.  Sadly, no cd player, but I have one of those radio tune thingys.  I'm just so darn excited.

In other news, Disney is expanding.  It looks awesome. Go here.There is more one the website as well.

I've been doing some homework today.  Did some reading.  Posted a writing assignment.  Still need to do more reading. And more writing.  This semester is almost over.  Panic shall ensue soon.  As Heather said, we need to buckle down.

Me:  I had a thought, but I lost it.
Heather: Aw, poor thought.
Me: It's okay, it has lots of friends.
Heather: *high five*

We high five texted (though I think she implied I missed).  So cool.

List of things I need to get off my butt and do this weekend:
Write Paradise Lost paper
(Which means read Paradise Lost...)
Read and write 4 responses
Read pages in my textbook for 20th Century
Work on editing my 20 page paper

Things to do over Thanksgiving Break:
Read a book about soccer
Write a  5 page paper over said book
Completely edit 20 page paper for SS
Create a presentation over paper
Prepare my portfolio for Advanced Comp
Write and do an Oral Presentation for Advanced Comp
Edit my two papers for said portfolio

Way too much. Just way too much.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Caffeine and Chocolate Talking

I haven't blogged in awhile, because I've been busy, worn out, and sick.  This week has been hectic and crazy.  So, starting from my last post.

I did not get to look at cars last weekend.  Sadly, my father-in-law was sick and I was not going to bug him about it.  He hardly ever gets sick, and when he does the man sleeps.  A lot.  Come to think of it... it's what his son does too. I wish that worked for me.

Sunday I actually accomplished quite a bit.  You know... that list of things I was supposed to do the weekend before.  Sean carried all my Halloween decor up to storage, including the other things in the house I wanted out.  He cleaned the bathroom and straightened the living room.  I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, did laundry and other such random things.  I also bought him his Christmas present - Deeogee.  She's a Yorkie/Min Pin mix and just downright adorable. He feel in love with her and has always wanted a tiny dog.

Isn't she cute?  And yes, she is wearing a cut up sock.  My sister in law (who rescued these puppies from a not so cool woman) did that because it was the only thing she could find to fit her. I mean, the dog doesn't even register as weighing a pound. Even the XXS clothes for them are too big for her.  And she shivers all the time.  Soooo cute.

Monday,  I had school.  I was slightly scared of my senior seminar class because she had started reading the papers.  It was actually a great class.  She talked about the common mistakes she found in our midterms, talked about writing in general, and procrastination.  I had a lot of fun.  Dr. Plummer also talked about how she knows much of our paper was the caffeine and chocolate talking. It is very true.  One of her best points however, is that we do not write to content, we write to word count.  I am guilty of this myself, although apparently not as bad as some of the scenarios she was describing.

I finished another Anita Blake book. Yep.

I went to look for at a Mitsubishi Galant, and the guy told me it was there at 4:30.  Get there at six, to what turns out to be a small car lot, and find out that he sold it three hours ago. He lied to me. I was pissed.  We left, and I headed to Nikki's. Nikki got me Heath Coffee Ice Cream. For future reference - delicious.

Wednesday, I woke up sick.  I mean, feeling utterly like crap.  I was so tired it was crazy.  I barely made it through all my classes, and came close to skipping two of them.  I didn't, but it was a close thing.  Dr. Reed's class was great because we once again wound up on the discussion of procrastination.  He told us that cleaning won't always be how we procrastinate. As you get older, you get more creative. You may figure out that your kids have homework, work on something else that needs to be done, or go get the much needed gallon of milk that is no longer in the fridge.  As long as it is productive, you can lie and say its fine.  This is very very true.  Right after that, he noticed a hat on a desk, and asked whose it was. The kid sitting beside spoke up for it.  A kid in the class said, "Oh look I have class to teach.  Let's find out who owns this hat." Dr. Reed starting laughing, and walked over to the stand his ipad was on.  "I think this isn't quite right," and he proceeds to start adjusting it up and down. We all died laughing.

Right after that, we went into Dr. Plummer's class.  Once again, procrastination comes up.  She told us it's very true, and said that maybe you work on some other paper or committee forms instead of grading - no one wants to grade. She isn't paid to teach, she's paid to grade.  I can believe that.  She said they would have to find more for Dr. Reed to do, and she'll let him I know said so. "Please wait till I'm out of his class!"  She laughed.  Apparently, by the way, many universities require their Freshmen to write a twenty page paper.  "Well at least I could look back on it fondly now" said one girl. Nooo, I thought.  "Yes, but then as seniors you write a 130 page paper."  See, I knew.  "Trust me, it's much harder to write 130 pages the night before"  - Dr. Plummer did this.  See, everyone procrastinates.

That's pretty much been my week.  I woke up Thursday feeling even worse.  My bad ear is draining, my good ear has pressure and pain, which in turn is making my jaw hurt and my throat is on fire.  Amazingly, I haven't had a migraine yet.  No clue how that is working, but I won't complain.

I had a breakdown and cried in my husband's car for almost an hour last night.  Everything is fine, but the stress of finding rides, missing things I needed to be at, being late for work, and everything else just hit me.  I also worry about wearing out people's worry, being trouble, and all that jazz.  I don't like being a burden or bothering people. I'm very worried I'm been bothering people. -sighs-  Today I get to look at cars.  Just wish me luck.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Simply To Be

So, I'm going with my fortune cookie for a new motto right now:
"One of the best things to do sometimes is simply to be"

So that's what I've done today.  It makes me have to do more tomorrow, but as I sit watching tv and drinking Hot Coco, I'm not going to argue.  I love being lazy. Of course, I hate being lazy half the time I'm being lazy but I'm pretending to ignore that fact.

I started watching Crossing Jordan. Probably shouldn't have.  Gooo me!

I finished my paper yesterday at 10 am.  I finished with six hours to go. Wooohooo!  I'm excited.  I'll probably be in tears when I meet with my professor, but right now I'm excited.  Tomorrow my hubby and I are uber cleaning the house.  I'm also going to look at a couple of cars.  Please, dear God, let me get a car!!

For work, we had training from HR.  She informed us to be careful of our Facebook pages.  And you know what?  She pointed out that I was young and married and eventually most will assume this will lead to babies and they could discriminate against me for it.  We should watch what we post.  This is how I feel about that.  I understand not to post slutty pictures with drinks and all that jazz. But I'm not going to hide that I'm married, I'm not going to hide who I am.  If they don't like who I am enough to interview me, then I don't want to work for them. This may hurt me. At this time, I don't care.

Other than that, not much going on.  Wish me luck on the car.  Shout out to Heather who is awesome for giving me rides about places.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Panic Ensued. Then Ended.

So, I'm laying in bed next to my lovely bestest awesomeness friend, Nikki.  She's letting me stay over so I can get to work on time in the morning. Like I said, Awesome.  However, she keeps telling me at this moment that she is disappointed in me for blogging. Fine Nikki. Fine.

I'm stealing this from Heather:
Today the wonderful Fallon helped me with my math. I LOVE YOU FOR IT. And all the while she was using her phone as a calculator. Suddenly this random song lowly played in the background. She then stops speaking in the middle of her sentence and checking all her pockets. She starts to panic and then checks her jacket pockets. She then says, "Okay, give me a minute, I need to find my phone."
I give her a confused look and then slowly scoot up her phone clearly on the table to her. "You mean this, right here?"
She stops and does "headdesk."

I did. It was sad.  It's been a tough week.  Ate good food for supper.  Then came home and wrote four pages on my paper.  Also found a blue alero for sale. It sold. I hate people.

I met with my professor.  She told me to write four four page papers, an intro and a conclusion.  Life is cool.  I basically had to start over, but I'm doing better and I know it doesn't suck as much. Yaaaaay.

I'm getting off work at 2:30 tomorrow so I can lock myself onto a computer and not move.  Wish me luck.

I drank a Caramel Machhiato today.  Then a Caramel Apple Spice.  Starbucks gift cards are THE BOMB.

For better news, a picture will be posted of Heather's "Judging Fallon Face."  If I could connect to the net here, it would so be here now.


All Ahoy!

We are on the road to a breakdown.  That's what I envision. I think maybe if I just cry my eyes out I'll feel better.  Too many things.  Why does it always seem like I am fighting a crisis? Or a ton of tiny crises all at once? I mean, I know I'm blessed and all that jazz, and I have a ton to be thankful for, but lord help.

Also, JAVA LEAVE ME THE FRICK ALONE! I've told it to UPDATE A MILLION TIMES!  It just keeps asking. -sighs- 

So, I have eight pages.  Eight measly pages.  I worked on it last night until my brain was ready to explode and light of any kind hurt.  I was in bed by 10 pm.  Wanted to work on this morning, but I feel so defeated it just didn't go well. I'm meeting my professor at 1:30, so maybe she can get me back on track.  I'd be half tempted to call into work tomorrow except I can't afford it, and they would be left with too few people. So that's out.  I've written a fifteen page paper in six hours before.  I only need 12 -13 more.  I have tonight, tomorrow night, and Friday morning, so hopefully I should be okay.  Everything else that was due this week is finished. 

Pray for me my fellowship. To god, to Gods, to existence, to the great big blue sky, or even to a;sdkfhkjashdfasf.  Just send me good thoughts, okay?

I'm meeting Heather to help her with her math. I feel all honored and happy to be able to help her.  At least I'm doing something good.  Snap, I haven't eaten today.  -sigh-

Peace out people.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Stress to the Max

Sooooo..... Today I was supposed to lock myself up and write my paper.  I had five pages by 10.  Then I took a break to spend some time with my hubby before he went to work and that was a bad, bad idea. I still have five pages.  My theory is this, I'm going to blog and then I'm going to write my heart out.  Wish me luck.

The sad thing is, I think 90% of my stress level this semester can be attributed to this paper.  So if I would just write my first draft, I think I would have some overwhelmingly happy moments to come and a huge "whew" of relief.  I'm going to start bashing my head into a wall. Do you think that would help?

Other than that, I just did an hour of work for my online class.  Yay me.  I don't have that to worry about anymore...

Stress is going to kill me.

Had a great time with Heather Monday after class, and then an awesome time with my friend Nikki.  Yep. 

Lord, help me.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Much Ado About Nothing

I would say I have a lot to talk about, but I really don't. I'm crazy tired. This week has been hectic and insane.

Halloween was fun.  I dressed up. I wore my cloak as it was freezing, and my renaissance dress. I got quite a few compliments.  (Holla to Cheryl!)  So, I love my dress. I need to get it dry cleaned. It's machine washable but I'm so not taking the chance of killing it.  I dunno.  Maybe.  Heather recognized me when I was leaving Cherry Hall, so I thought that was awesome :)

Friday I worked a conference so I could make up for the hours I'm losing due to Election day.  It was pretty fun, I got free food, coffee and Dr. Pepper.  I enjoyed it, and probably ate way too much left over Halloween candy that the teachers were trying to get rid of.  I also went to class, and we talked about the book and our paper, so hopefully that will go well this weekend.  Hopefully.

Speaking of this weekend, my husband is off.  I'd loved to spend time with him, but I have so much to do.  I'll probably find some time for him :P  Speaking of everything I have to do:
1. 2 drafts (1300 words apiece) of creative nonfiction, due tomorrow.  Two different topics.
2. More research, and setting up an outline for my twenty five page paper.
3. Actually beginning to write my twenty five page paper - it's due next Friday.
4. Readings of Paradise Lost
5. Writing a 1300 word paper for 20th Century Europe, due Monday at 11:59 pm.
6. Reviewing papers (2 a piece) of three other group members in AC

1. Bathroom
2. Laundry
3. Dishes
4. Bedroom/Closet
5. Living Room
6. Study
7. Vacuuming

So yeah, I have way to much to do. A friend at work is having a bonfire, but I don't think I'm going to make it. I have so much crap to do. Of course, I'm procrastinating by blogging.  Still, the list helped me figure out what all I had to do.  I've written one draft of my 1300 word paper.  Now for another. Then I'm showering, starting laundry, and working on my outline.  At some point we need to go to Save A Lot for water and such.

Yeaaaah. This weekend sucks.