Thursday, October 18, 2012

The History of a Word

Not much is happening these days, my dear fellowship.  There is no world to save, it's long lost.  Sad, but mostly true.  Still, it's the little things that matter the most in the world full of chaos, struggle and strife.  I was looking around on facebook today, and I think it is insane how very much our society seems to depend wholly upon the opinions of others.  Or how sad it is that I get jealous of people who look better than me. I mean, I'm the only one keeping myself from looking better, getting healthier, losing a little more weight and toning up.  What sucks is that there are mornings I really don't want to get out of bed and face school and work and whatever else.

Eh, maybe one day I'll get my butt in gear.  Speaking of in gear, I'm doing research. It's not working out well. But I'm trying.

So, to the title:

Tuesday, sitting in the LAC, one of my fellow co workers was wanting to figure out how cuss words became cuss words and how the originated in the first place. Me being the loser I am knew some of the origins for one word. As you may have noticed I never cuss.  So, I'm sitting here and I pop off with:

The origin of Fuck comes from...

And everyone stares at me (this consisting of Nikki, Cole and said co worker - Kenny).  Cole: Did you just say that?

It dawns on me... oh yeah. Yeah I did.

Cole's facebook status:
OMG!!!!! FALLON said a dirty word at 4:27 pm on October 16th, 2012 -- my day has been made!!!!!

Is it sad when me cussing is that amazing to people? I think it's hilarious. Yep. That's all I've got.

Saturday is fast approaching!

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