Friday, April 27, 2012

Worried Indeed

Well, I had a million things I wanted to talk about, but suddenly all I can think of is my future.  I was trying to not be too freaked out about it, but of course someone posted about being accepted into grad school (and congrats to them!) but it just reminded me of all the uncertainties. Truth be told, I'm scared.  It's daunting facing what I will after I graduate next spring, from picking a program for my masters to getting my PhD and finding a job.  On top of that, I need to pick an historical time period to specialize in and I can't even do that at the moment.  One of my professors, who has taken up guiding me along this semester and kept me from an emotional break down, told me not to worry about it yet.  So this is my blog to pour out my worries so I can get through the next two weeks and do all the work I have to.

WKU's history grad program does not pay your tuition and so if I decide to go there, as I always planned, I will be 40,000 dollars in debt.  If I find another program and get a full ride, then I will be saved on money but will either have to commute quite a ways, or move, as well as learn a whole new staff and campus. To top that off, I really wanted to get my English Masters as well as my History Masters and then my PhD in something. I have always dreamed of being a professor and one way or another I will.

On a good note:

So my job future looks average... Yep.  I think it's all topped off with the fact that I'm stressed out over finals, and papers.  Tomorrow I'm spending hours reading and working out a layout for my fifteen page paper that is due next Thursday.  Then I plan to write it Sunday. I think it will be okay... so less worry.

Well that feels better.  Now on to more fun topics! I'm going to a drag show tomorrow night with my sister, sister-in-law and some friends.  It will be great, and I even bought new shoes!
Even if they are a bit Stripperish, I love them :P Abbie told me that they were somehow not stripperish on me, but were cute on me, lol.  I said they match my spastic self.  They are fun, PURPLE! and sparkly! Perfect for a drag show as well.  I even found these socks that have a soft padding for the front of the foot so that it doesn't hurt to wear heels for a long time!  Yay :)

For a different note, I was watching Grey's Anatomy and literally cried my eyes out. So, if you haven't watched the new episode, you should.  It's amazing, and I cannot imagine feeling the way some of the characters did on this episode. Ever.

I've also decided that when school is out I'm throwing a party for me and a few of my girlfriends.  To release stress and celebrate, we will dress up, put on makeup, fix our hair, blare very loud music, and dance around like crazy idiots. I shall turn my own living room into a club without annoying idiots around! It shall be quite a bit of fun!

I believe that is the end of my blog for this day, and I think you all and the world wide web for helping me get rid of a few of my worries.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Pocket List

So I've had an interesting day, but first I want to start with this. The pocket list! My sister and I were watching Game of Thrones Season 2 (I love this show, although I am often conflicted) and my sister said "He's awesome x 1000 in a pint size package!" of Tyrion Lannister! Indeed, I must admit he is the best character on the show, and indeed I am in loved with him. He is the moral bad guy. It's an interesting concept. This summer I shall have to read the books.Anyways, we decided we need a Pocket Tyrion, as well as Ru Paul, and many others.  My sister and I shall have to write a list soon. Who would you want forever with you, in your pocket?

Continuing on with the happy trend, I discovered a very cool song, It's Time by Imagine Dragons. I like it: Here's the video.
Did anyone watch Ru Paul's Drag Race? Oh my lord, I was shocked by the ending. She's having as hard a time choosing as we are!!! I voted for Chad Michaels. My sister voted for Chad and Sharon.  On the comments on their Facebook page, Phi Phi was hardly getting any votes.  Indeed, it should be interesting next week.

On a sad note, I'm very upset with Chuy's.  I went with Charles and Heather last week, and sadly left my favorite purple jacket.  I called about 10 minutes after I left when I realized what I had done, and after describing it, they said they had found it. They got my name and said it would be just fine if I picked it up Saturday.  Now, I must say that I participated in the training for the staff, and my food was free Friday when I went, and Sat. when I went back with my sister and brother-in-law.  I thought the food was pretty good, as well the service, and the restaurant itself looks awesome. On that note, as a poor college kid, when you give me food it's going to take a lot to make me complain about anything. Well, here it is: They lost my freaking jacket and are treating me like crap in the meantime.  Saturday when I asked, they couldn't find it and had to get the manager. He promised me he was closing that night, got my phone number and name, and said that he would look for it and call.  No call.  Called today.  The girl was rude, said no jacket was there, listened to my story and said she would talk to the managers and someone would call me later, and then she took my name and number. Now... my name is Fallon. In telling me she would call me later, she called me Karen twice.  Karen... Fallon... Karen ... Fallon.  Not really. So I told her what my first name was and she said, "Just kidding, just kidding, we will call you. Click".... SERIOUSLY?? YOU LOST MY FREAKING JACKET!!! YOU ARE TREATING ME LIKE CRAP AND HOW THE HELL IS THAT A JOKE?????

Ahem.. So, I am not so happy with Chuy's at the moment, and let me just say, that you should never leave anything there, and no matter what engagement you might have, turn around immediately and get what ever you left.

Well, I have to wake up early to do more research for my 15 page research paper for Civil War and Reconstruction. Wish me luck, night everyone, and happy days!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A New Talent

I have had a rather interesting and lovely day.  Work was great this morning, I finished all my homework on time, classes were fun, work this afternoon was still great, and then my last class of the day was just... awesome.

I wrote a 19 page fiction/fantasy story for my Advanced Fiction Writing Class. I have to say I'm rather proud of it and it did quite well in the workshop. I have many things to fix, and I plan this summer on turning it into a novel.  That is my grand plan for the summer as well as learning French.  We shall see how both pan out.  I think I have finally figured out my area for writing however, and this makes me incredibly ecstatic.

Leaving class, I was talking with the two of the guys in the class, and I learned something.  They both agreed that if they are having a miserable day they will make sure they spread it around. I, instead, love to smile, spread cheer, and do favors for people.  Even if I am having a bad day, I try to remain optimistic.  Heck, if I'm not smiling people know something is wrong.  I'm proud that I like to make other people happy, that I believe a smile can make someone's day, and simply opening the door for someone can renew their faith in others (at least for a while). 

So far as classes, my European Renaissance class was excellent today.  We discussed the 15th century of Italy and their wars. The rule of the Medici is always a fun subject, and I believe the area of the Italian Renaissance is growing on me. The diary we read of a Florentine man observing Charles V in the Florence makes me wish that people still kept diaries like that.  Perhaps some blogs will be just as rewarding.

Oh, I'm going to be babysitting a friend's cat for three weeks and getting paid for it :)  I think that is rather awesome.  The money will go towards the dog pen I'm building for my new dog as well as Moe, my husband's dog.  I think that's rather fun.  Perhaps that will be my optional future: A kitty kennel.

Tomorrow begins a new day, one which will start with me reading The Prince.  Tomorrow night is the Phi Alpha Theta Banquet, and as President I get to speak about three to four times.  Wish me luck!!!

Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the monsters bite!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Oh to Blog: The Future of Historians

A historian once spoke about how things are changing.  Our primary documents of the future will no longer be books and letters, but blogs and Facebook posts.  An interesting thing to ponder as I begin my own blog.

I came upon this idea due to my friend, Heather, who shared her blog with me. It seemed interesting and a fun way to vent and share my thoughts and memories. I suppose we shall see.

I just finished reading The Confederate War by Gary W. Gallagher. It is an intriguing read, about how and why the Confederate soldiers continued to fight for as long as they did, even in the face of such opposition.  Now, I shall figure out exactly what my thoughts are and write a four page essay over whether or not the South had a chance to win.

Luckily, I created this blog just in time to find many ways to procrastinate.  I'm terrible about that, I this semester is becoming one long procrastination. I cannot wait for this summer, as I need the break.  I'm ready to start bike riding to lose weight, to learn French, to read like crazy and just in general have some fun.

Well, I suppose I shall work on my paper.

Have fun!  And oh, for the heck of it,

May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor!