Sunday, October 21, 2012

Haunted? Nope

So last night was the much awaited haunted house.  My sister, Becky, sister-in-law, Stephie, Heather and I went.  I must say to start out that I think the ride up there and the wait in line was better than Waverly Hills. Everyone has since commented on Facebook that the tours are way better than the house, so maybe we'll try that another time. I think that the house by KOA in Bowling Green was better than this one.

One the way up there, we were all pretty much spastic.  We saw a hot air balloon landing near Sonic in BG, and we were totally gawking and taking pictures.  We stopped at Sonic for food and drinks, and they were also taking pictures, so that made us slightly less geeky.  Becky and Stephie jumped out of the car and left poor me and Heather trapped due to child safety locks. They are not our friends. We were screaming to get their attention and it took forever for them to notice :P 

Some of the highlights of our trip:

Heather: Why do I always wind up behind the tallest person? I'm too tall.
Me: I'm taller than you
H: No you're not.
Me: Yes I am!
    Ensuing screaming match of childlike behavior
Me: How tall are you?
H: 5' 6"
Me: HA I'M 5' 7" and 1/2
H: No you're not!
Me: You are only taller because of your hair!
And giggling ensued.  It was HILARIOUS! DARN IT!

So we get up the long line to Waverly, after sitting in the car and dealing with the idiots behind us who kept flashing their lights and trying to get around us (Where the frick were they going to go?), when the guy tells Becky, "Go on up to the lady" in  order to pay for our parking.

Becky: What did he say?
Stephie and me: Go up to the lady.
   This was just too funny because the guy was standing right outside the car.

So Heather went in search of the jeep, and we got on this crazy conversation about Tampons.  Stephanie says she just can't wear them. I'm the same way.  Then Stephie says something about it making her want to gag.

Becky: It's gagging your vagina.

This was beyond funny and resulted in a total breakdown gigglefest. I sincerely worry about my sister and the fact that I share half her genes.

Heather came back and we went in search of the bathrooms.  Sadly, we started memo-ing everything that was remotely funny so we could remember for our blog.  While waiting in line, this guy dressed as a crazy clown starts dancing with people to songs and gyrating to Thriller.
Heather: I wonder how drunk or high he is.
Me: What if he isn't?
Heather: Oh that's saaad.
   With my faith in humanity, I'm betting he wasn't.
Then Crazy Train came on, and yes while using the porta potty, I went Aye, aye, aye. Lol

Last but not least, Becky's GPS, Maggie is an idiot. She'll take you on six backroads to get to the Interstate when it's RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!  Ahem, so we are driving down crazy roads which are curvy when there is a cemetery. We think about scaring Stephie.
Becky: Don't make her scream while I'm driving, it'll be bad.
Heather: Don't you die make me die a Virgin.
Me:  Ooooh she'll come back and haunt you Becky, and when you are having sex she'll scream terrible things at you.
I could so see Heather doing that.

Well, I have to get ready to head to BG. I"ll add in about the actual disappointing haunted house when I get back.  

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