Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Paula Deen, Prop 8 and Getting Fit

I haven't updated my blog in a while, and I have so very much going on. And apparently the world does too :P 

So first off, let me talk about Paula Deen.  I have been hearing something about her being racist and being sued, and saying the "N" word and I was really curious as to what exactly happened. I mean, she's just like the most lovable grandma type person ever.  So I started investigating online and found out that a former employee, who was working at her brother's restaurant, claimed sexual harassment and demanded 1.2 million dollars from them or she would go public.  They refused, and so she sued them for that exact amount. Now she is suing the son because he said it started out at "extortion" on CNN.  It seems to me that this woman appears money hungry.  Paula Deen has been fired by Food Network, and dropped from Smithfield Hams.  Others who sell her products, her magazine, and so on, are saying they will watch the situation closely before making a decision.  One tv network said they will accept her apology and run with it - they have known and worked with her for years.  The cruise line has added a second cruise for 2014 because of a recent overwhelming response to support her.

Personally, I haven't had much dealings with Paula Deen. I see her magazine, I seen occasional glimpses of her on tv. I'm not an avid fan or anything, but I do have and love her cookware.  So far as I can see, people get offended at everything.  And this woman doesn't appear to have followed normal channels for sexual harassment or making complaints but all that is being investigated, as well as the restaurants. Who knows what will happen now. But I personally say, learn what you can for yourself about the matter and make your own decision - but remember - we all say offensive things at some point or another.  I know too many of my elders who still say things that others do not like. It was their culture and their time.  Just remember - if you made such a mistake would you want it dragged out like this? Let Paula Deen make her apology.

I don't have much to say on Prop 8 and DOMA except YAY!  Our country is coming closer to equality.  My simple opinion has always been this: it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you uphold your own moral/religious standards but you should not hold others to them as well.  The country itself must concern itself with what is legal - not what christian or any other religious beliefs are. And no, this country was not founded on religious principles - it was founded for money and glory.  Religious groups just flocked here and trust me, most of them followed beliefs none of you would live with. So, like I said, we need to be concerned with legality and equality! 

And on a final note and my personal rant:

Getting fit and losing weight are two things which concern many, many people for many, many different reasons. I have never ever believed in crash diets of any kind.  If you wish to change your eating habits so that you are eating healthier, or because you no longer have a choice health wise, than that is fine and as I said, healthy!  However, it has always been my belief that starving yourself, just eating way less, or skipping meals is not healthy whatsoever, and science supports this. There are many studies that now say that just dieting may cause you to lose weight but when you gain it back, then you gain back more.  Exercise and toning just seems to me to be the way to lose weight, with the understanding that you aren't eating whole packs of cookies.  There are new studies that are saying that a person who loses weight may face challenges keeping it off no matter what or how they do it.  So here is this fabulous article, "The Fat Trap" that everyone should read.  It is very interesting.

In other news,  I am trying to exercise every day.  I clean, go to the gym for at least an hour, and have been working on toning as well as cardio.  I am trying to watch what I eat and make smarter choices as well.  I haven't really lost any weight yet, but I'm telling myself that the time will come, darn it.  Wish me luck.

Deeogee started eating my dining room floor. I had always planned on replacing it, but now my hand has been forced. I started tearing it up yesterday. Tis no fun.  Hopefully we are just going to be able to paint the floor underneath which is concrete. My kitchen floor also needs replacing but that will certainly have to wait. I want to build some outdoor furniture from pallets but I have to get my hands on some. Then I'm going to get some concrete pavers and slowly begin to build a patio. Next year we are hoping to build on a back porch and screen it in for the animals.  I have too many projects I want to do.  Siding and windows should really happen soon, so wish me luck in that regard.

Laters, peeps.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Plans for the Future!


So I was looking up Comic Cons and I discovered the one in Chicago. And it's only six hours away.  AND CAPTAIN JACK FROM DOCTOR WHO WILL BE THERE! AND THE WEASLEY TWINS! I MUST GO! So I asked on Facebook about who would want to go with me, and Morgan instantly snagged a seat.  Heather and Jaccob are also hoping to go. My hubby and my friend Abbie may also go, but Walmart is evil and only approves days off three weeks in advance and tickets may be sold out at that point :(  I am so excited I cannot stand it.  If anyone would like to donate funds to my autograph fees that would be ever so awesome :P

I also registered Heather, myself and my sister for Jane Austen Festival in Louisville in July.  It is really fun, and we went last year.  There are pictures on Facebook if you are interested. Becky and I dressed up.  I got to drink the most amazing tea, and this year I am determined to buy some. Last year they were sold out.  We are attending a play this year about Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy and we are hoping that the same incredibly hot guy will be doing the show about men's fashion. We will also attend a four course tea.  Walk around the grounds, see the sights, and generally have a wonderful time.  They needed more shops last year, especially of higher quality stuff - it's sad that more people aren't into that time period.

I may also go to the Nashville Comic Con in October because a friend is going to it. It's cheaper and Kevin Sorbo will be there (if you don't know who he is then you suck!).  Plus, if I can't get to Spike in Chicago then he will also be in Nashville. It will be fun.  Not to mention that November 7th I will be teaming up with Kacy and going to see Straight No Chaser!!!  This year I am determined to have fun, lol.

I may actually be tutoring someone in computers soon so that is exciting, as it means extra money, which I really need for so many various things.  On that note, lord have I become so sad. I constantly look at things to spend money on.  I'm terrible.  And I admit it. Thank god my husband hoards his money because he hates spending it on random stuff and really all he buys is video games and not many of those.  Well, and LOL stuff.  So, yeah.  But 30% of mine goes to clothes, 50% on Fandom things, and 10% on food, and 10% on whatever. I really need to calm it down.  Of course I also put back all the necessary money for bills and gas.  I'm not totally irresponsible.  It's just that during the school year I would maybe (if I was lucky) have about thirty dollars extra from a check that I could be like, YEAH I WANNA BUY SOMETHING.  And usually not even that.  Oh well.  I have so many things I want to do, like fix up the game room about the garage, paint and redo stuff in the house, go to Comic Con, and all manner of things. -sighs- But I've become obsessed with stuff, and I'm going to try to tone that down some.  Really.  I promise.

I will be starting my Graduate Position in September, which I'm excited about because it means more money that Sean and I can put toward the house and stuff we need.  We have sooo much to do.  Richard has to fix the back wall and the bathroom - which we have the stuff for. We need to build on a back porch that is screened in for the cats, and replace the windows and put on siding.  Sooo much to do.  -sighs- Every time we save up for something it feels like something else breaks. We had enough to do the windows, and then our vanity broke the pipes in our bathroom, and then the toilet broke, and then the sink messed up. Then the a/c messed up. It's never ending. And don't get me started on the air unit!!! We've given up on it and just bought window units.  We spend 800 dollars to redo the stuff under the house and I think it was never actually the problem.  Not to mention the about 800 dollars that went towards the electric bills that were killer from where it wasn't supposed to be screwed up.  And then the other 70 dollars to have someone else look at the unit and find out it would be around another $400 to fix it. And we are worried that once again, it won't fix it so we just say SCREW IT!!!!  That would have been more than enough to replace our blasted windows which were my entire plan. And then Sean screwed up his car because he sneezed, went off the road a bit into a ditch, corrected the wheel, and managed to pop it up and go off the road the other way. He wasn't hurt but his car is in bad shape and we are trying to fix my Alero.  Sorry.  Long painful rant. I shall quit now. Anyways. Yeah.  Oi.

Well, in 6 more minutes I'm clocking out at work, meeting someone at B&N, then meeting Heather, then meeting Becky with Heather at Crafty Hands at 4, and then meeting Cole and friends to celebrate her birthday at Yuki's at 5.  This day of easy going turned into a very busy one!!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Catching Up

So, it has been quite a while since I have blogged. I'm not 100% why that is, but hey, what else is new?  Since graduation, I've been working at the LAC, which I will do until the third week of August. I will be sad to leave.  Four years here has meant a lot to me, and helped me find a career path I love.  Otherwise, the first week being FREE, I uber cleaned my house. Which I need to do some more. Really.  Sadly, I haven't been reading enough which I started correcting over vacation last week.

So far as reading, I have many books to read! Some I have bought, several I have loaned, and some I just want to get my hands on.  Right now I'm reading The Fall of Arthur by J.R.R. Tolkien and Christopher Tolkien.  The poem was pretty great, and now I get to learn all about his notes and history with the subject.  I hope to finish it today. Last week I read the new(ish) Rachel Morgan book. My reading blog has been updated.  My next book is the new one by Katherine Howe, and I read a few pages into it and it wasn't quite catching my attention. I hope it gets better.  I also want to read the special books I have about The Hobbit, and then The Atlas of Middle Earth. Then I have several Cormac McCarthy books I must read, Les Mis, and all the others plus more on my list of hopeful readings.  Of course, my TV Zombie self has continued. Two seasons of House down, Three seasons of That 70s Show, and several episodes of SVU.  Yeah.  I need to cut back on the land of tv.

One day a couple of weeks ago my friend Morgan came over and we watched the last two episodes of Season 7.  Thanks to her, I got to watch all of Season 7.  I rather do love Matt Smith.  And his new companion that came in that season.  The 50th anniversary special will be THE MOST AMAZING AWESOME PERFECT WONDERFUL HAPPINESS MAGICAL EPISODE EVER because David Tennant will be back.  Then the Christmas Special will be our last episode with Matt.  Tis sad.  I did finally get a shirt with David on it though. And it says Allons-y.  How cool is that?   Oh, I loooove Doctor Who.

I also started working out in May.  My sister and I joined a gym.  I worked out five days a week that week. Oh the pain! I also started counting my calorie intake. I'm not really limiting what I eat, just how much.  Though I am trying to cut out the really crappy stuff out of my diet.  Heh.  Then I went on vacation last week. Which was really fun. AND BLEW MY DIET.  We ate several buffets.  I'm terrible.  Ah well.  It was fun.  We went to the smokies.  I got to see Cades Cove which was beautiful, and scenic, and historic. I would like to go back sometime and actually do the trails.  I want to get into hiking, but I need someone to join me. 

Gatlinburg was actually disappointing. Most of the cool stores had closed down.  Earthbound Trading Co.  was still there, and I finally got my silk wrap skirt.  Other than that, most of them sucked or were just T-Shirt stores.  They still have good attractions, but I did most of the ones I've wanted.  We saw The Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge which was hilarious except for one comedian. They also have show dogs which are all rescue dogs.  Which is awesome.

So, I'm back to work.  Back to calorie counting. And working out every day.  I started selling BeautiControl - so if you are interested in that hit me up. I'm catching up and finishing Season Three of Games of Throne Sunday. Watching Season Three of House. The grass around our house is taking over because our lawnmower broke.  Yay us. We have the worst luck. Sean is borrowing his father's today, and hopefully we will get it all mowed.  Yep.

Laters people. I'm off to read.  Oh that reminds me, people bug me about writing. I seriously need to work on my book!