Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Slut's Holiday

So, this post is a slight crazy mix of many things, but I'm in one of those moods.  Currently I am watching The Puss in Boots Halloween short while eating supper and such.  He is so darn cute. Oh my lord, and the kittens are so freaking cute in this it is crazy. I've been reading articles for almost two hours.

WATCH IT! It's on Netflix.

So, I'm currently procrastinating like crazy. Which is incredibly stupid - I have a midterm due tonight at 11:59 pm.  I've read four out of the six articles, so I am working on it. It's only 1700 words.  This is really annoying. I just want to kick myself over and over and get myself in gear. I have five hours to do it.  I hope I don't take that long.  I'm disappointed in myself. Friday I cleaned, read my book for my club, and did a few other things that was actually useful.  Then I attended my spa party.

So Beauti Control is actually pretty awesome.  I have the Detox bath soak which is excellent for getting rid of migraines.  For hosting the party I was also given a forty dollar wrap that you can freeze or heat in the microwave. I'm in love with this thing. My husband thinks it's pointless, but I love it. It also helps with migraines, and cramps.  Haha!  The party was great.  Heather was funny as normal and I kept teasing her. I'm terrible.  We had cupcakes, coke, coffee, apples, cheese and caramel.  Danielle was great, the products are awesome, and we all wound up ordering something.  I got "Sugar and Spice" instant manicure stuff for my hands which makes your hands feel a-freaking-mazing. I also ordered tinted lip balm which I'm hoping will keep me from applying chapstick about thirty times a day. I may start selling in January because it looks like fun, they don't rain all over your parade like Avon, and I'll need something to do.

So, on to the title.  I must say that America has managed to make almost every woman in its country self-conscious of their bodies to the point of it being debilitating.  All we seen are celebrities who probably eat strict diets, pay insane amounts to people who help keep them fit and get touch ups on the magazines.  Lately I've been trying to embrace myself, thanks to Heather, and what and who I am.  In our country we are never really given time to find ourselves either. Almost nothing promotes being fit.  So, here I sit, overweight by medical standards, staring at pictures on pinterest of woman with abs, hoping to look like that but arguing that I am fine as I am. I want to lose weight to look better, it's true, but I also want to be healthier. And right now, I know I do not eat healthy (although that's terribly hard to do as a college kid) nor do I exercise enough for my health.  I'm trying to work on it. That's all I can do.  So why do we try so hard to be skinny? In Europe they like girls with curves - heck I like girls with curves.  But it's not what is generally promoted in our society. Though a few corporations, such as Dove, are working on it.

Halloween makes this harder. I mean, I freaking love the holiday. It's tied with Christmas. It might have something to do with the insane amount of decorating I do.  Yet, I dress all pretty not slutty.  I'm not saying its wrong.  Women should embrace their bodies.  But what price do we pay for doing so? On Halloween we become nothing, most of the time, but sex objects.  Heck, I can't even recognize half the characters they are supposed to be because they are so slut-ed up.  Most women look forward to it because they dress like that without the normal repercussions. Is that true? I just don't know.  I know that it's sad when a ten year olds outfit is way too slutty for their age, but clothes in general for kids is starting to turn that way.

Overall, my point is this:  Women should love who and what they are and what they look like.  When it comes to the point that they are so ashamed of their body that they can't even believe someone would want to touch them, it hurts me.  I know beautiful wonderful people who think this.  Their personalities alone would make someone love them.  But instead, they worry about small parts of their body and whether or not someone is attracted to them.  They stand in front of the mirror (heck I do it too) and analyze every little bit of fat they have on them.  It's impossible not to in our society.  The thing is, historically women had curves.  It's natural.  Sure, we should be fit. But we shouldn't hate ourselves.  We should be more willing to work towards the body we want without the sexual pressure - we should just want to be healthy.  My own theory is this:  A man would not touch you, make love to you, and love you to begin with, if he was attracted to you. I've heard too many male conversations that said basically that. If there is no attraction, they wouldn't date you - women won't either.  It's too fundamentally important inside of us to ignore whether or not we like how someone looks.  That's why we all wired differently. There's someone for everyone.

So, women, try to be slightly less slutty.  Embrace your body.  If you are dissatisfied, work towards being healthier.  And be happy with that and the progress you are making.  Being sure of yourself and your body will gain a man quicker than constantly belittling how you look. They probably don't notice half the things we worry over.  And if you need reassurance - ask. Heck, I've asked my husband.  He tells me I'm beautiful.  I may doubt it, but I see it in his eyes.  Try to love yourself.  It's hard to let someone love you when you are questioning yourself.

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