Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Blog of All Blogs!

Okay, so this is a super post. Friday I went out with Nikki and got this amazingly awesome dress on sale that I am in love with. Sadly I have no pictures of it (shocking right?). Saturday I went out with my sister, and we went out to eat and hung out doing different stuff. Then Heather came over and we went crazy. We made Chicken Fried Rice from a recipe I found on pinterest and it was great. Heather cooked the chicken while I tried to mix everything else up. It was lots of fun. We added more veggies to it. It turned out really well and I was quite proud. Thanks to Heather for cooking ze chicken, and don't worry, it wasn't hardly a mess at all (and I wouldn't have cared anyways!) We made baked egg cupcake things Sunday morning for breakfast. Heather chopped up veggies while I prepared stuff and mixed the eggs. We used green peppers, mushrooms and cheese along with a Garlic/Herb spice. Twas tasty but I'm not sure about the texture.

After eating and cooking the Fried Rice, we preceded onto the main event. Painting my cabinets! I have more pictures on facebook but below there shall be a few. I saw it on pinterest and thought it was the coolest thing ever. All you do is have some lace, spray temporary adhesive on it and the item, then put them together. After that, you spray... paint! Viola! Let it dry however long (ours was ten minutes) and pull of the lace. And your cabinet looks like lace!!!!!!!!  I sadly didn't get to do all my cabinets. Most of the screws are stripped so it's going to take some doing to get them down. I shall have to borrow an actual drill. Heather also tried and she managed to get the two top cabinets down. So exciting.  My green linoleum floor is hideous and I apologize for it. (Oh and Heather, I don't mind pics).

 Ahem, so then we were winding down for sleep when my hubby disappeared. He had gone outside to look at the meteors. We followed and when I got fed up of staring at the sky and hurting my neck, I got a quilt, pillow and blanket, and outside we went. It was awesome. It's been ages since I have done that and it was all nice and chilly outside. I saw quite a few. So much fun. I'm hoping Heather had as much fun as I did.

Today I went to my sister's birthday party. Sean taught my sister how to play chess, while Heather and I played Battleship. She had never played!!! It was fun, and I actually won which I think is a miracle. I never win games. We then preceded to play scrabble with Becky and Sean (Becky won. I came in third), and then Smart Ass which is always fun. My sister got the new Nook glow so I got her old one!! I have a Nook!! Yay!!!  Heather's birthday is also the same day as my sister's and I gave her two rubber duckies, money and a really awesome card. I realize now she's only five months older than me. Fun fun. I'm sure I'm forgetting something... oh well.

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