Sunday, August 26, 2012

At The End of All Things

(Okay, seriously, do you know the title? 100 points if you do...)

As always, credit to where it is due: I am stealing this layout/idea from Heather.

This summer has been one of my most crazy, happy, upside down, depressing, productive summers ever. It seems insane to even think back on it, but hey, that's how it works, right? Our memories are what bring us to who we are.

Projects & Such

So, of course if you have read my blog at all, you know that I picked up knitting from Heather this summer. I had absolutely no intentions of learning knitting because of my wrist. Still, my sister really wanted me to as well, and so when I asked Heather to teach her, I jumped on the bandwagon. I loved it. It's soothing and crafty and dang it when you finish a project you just feel all cozy inside.

I didn't get as far as I would have liked (and the funny speech Bilbo gives at his party just went through my head.... Geez, I'm a nerd!), but I learned a lot and spent some great time with friends on Sundays. Those meetings fell by the wayside the past two weeks but hopefully we can pick them back up soon when school settles into rhythm. Heather is a wonderful teacher and ridiculously patient (it does not come easily to me).

Still, I finished my scarf. I'm very proud of it, and can't wait for weather that will allow me to wear it. I learned how to knit, purl, read patterns and one day will start on cabling. A hat is in my future to match my most fantastic epic very me purse that heather knitted. Oh and because it just so .... epic:

"Fallon found an image of the most beautiful purse in all the land and bestowed it upon my eyes. She gave a love-sigh, deflating eloquently in a chair.
"What is this?" I asked with all the wonder in the world fluttering in my chest.
"A purse to match my very existence." She fluttered her eyelids.
"My dear, did you want me to knit this for you?"
She erected her girly pose on the chair, "Would you?" Her voice squealed in happiness.
"Of course, my dear friend."
So, I did and she loved it."
                                  --Heather's Blog

So, in April I began blogging thanks to Heather's inspiration. This is my 47th blog. Too bad I wasn't quite awesome enough to make this fifty... oh well. I must say that it has allowed me a place to vent, to share and to ponder my future (even if all of three people actually read it...).  I don't have much on the land of blogging, but I wanted to share this tidbit of my summer. Obviously, I like it as I'm blogging about blogging. HA!

Projects!  I cannot believe the things I managed to do this summer. Heather helped with quite a bit of it. We painted my bedroom and my utility room. We repainted all the trim as well. Then we painted by inspiration of pinterest, my cabinets. I also made Chicken Fried Rice from pinterest for Heather and I. As well as egg muffins. My dead trees in my yard were finally chopped down. I finished knitting a scarf. I babysat a friend's cat. I managed to get a Heather to knit me a purse, my brother-in-law to work on a headboard for my bed, and my sister's mother-in-law to sew me a Jane Austen dress and a Renaissance dress. Yep. Probably more should be on that list, but I can only remember so much.

 Okay, so this is the section I really failed in. I didn't finish a novel whatsoever. I did add about ten pages to the story I had, as well as begin a journal just for the details, background, maps, characters, etc of that story so I hope that through ideas this year I will be ready to really crack down on it next summer. Ah, well, wish me luck.

All right, so I read all these books!  I still didn't manage to finish The Fellowship of the ring but I am over halfway there.  I can't believe I read over 7000 pages. I'm quite proud of myself. I read new things, reread old things and really surprised myself. I missed reading, when I had no cares in the world and all I would do would be go home, shut the door, and lose myself completely to escape my own life into another full of fantasy and dreams. I rediscovered that love again this summer, and I hope I always manage to have time here and there for some reading of my own joy.  Also, through reading I realized several things. Because of Rachel Morgan getting a tattoo that represented her, I decided on one for me.  I decided that if I get a tattoo it will be on my back and say "Not all those who wander are lost" which says a million things about myself, and maybe a second one that says "The road goes ever, ever on" around my wrist.  I also discovered that I love learning about the forgotten but just as important people in history after reading Mary Boleyn. I still really think that a study needs to be conducted to figure out how many civilians were killed because of the Civil War.

This summer has really opened my eyes to a few things. I managed to make a great friend in a certain person named Heather who I never ever talk about. She has taught me new things, shared in many crazy conversations and enjoyed doing absolutely nothing with me, from gazing at a meteor shower, to being drug into spray painting things and cooking icky raw chicken. I hope fifty years from now we can sit as those eccentric old ladies in rocking chairs, knitting and ranting about the good old days (with my sister as well, and maybe a few other friends along the way.)  I even helped Heather open her eyes to her nerdiness.  She opened my eyes to my crazy ranting/off subject/never ending crazyiness.

I spent some great days with my best friend from high school, Nikki.  We had many discussions about life, huge decisions, the future and what our plans will be.  I realize that no matter what, no matter where out paths take us, I can always call her and she will be there for me and vice versa. Which is a good thing, seeing as how when my career tanks, I am going to be her secretary for her vet's office.  We went horse back riding, zumba'd, shopped, danced, got tipsy, dressed up, and overall just had some blasted much needed fun this summer.

I also spent a great deal of time with my family which I loved. Sean and I spent days together, going on dates, dancing, talking and making some big decisions and plans. My sister and I spent tons of time together, talking, laughing, learning, and joking around. My sister and I may have tried to kill each other when we were younger but I am glad that we know have each other and will always be close.

I spent time with others who were just as important as well but might kill me if I write about them on here. I realized that some people are much more dear to me than I knew, and rerealized others. Went swimming several times with an awesome person named Cole and had some great conversations. Danced the night away a few times, played WOW with my hubby and my mom, spent time with Sean's family, and a million other things.

It is nice to know that I have people who will always be there for me, will watch out for me, and who understand all my wackyness.  I am surrounded by people who care, even if sometimes it feels like the world is caving in and going all crazy.

The Goals of Summer
1. Learn French (gave this one up - changed my future plans for now)
2. Get ahead on Latin (Eh - still not sure on this but didn't do it)
3. Bake/Cook new Recipes (did this! See above)
4. Organize my house (Seriously did some major progress on this!)
5. Redo my bathroom (most wanted and most defeated... sad days)
6. Have a yard sale (Eh - waiting till next year)
7. Read. A LOT (7000 thousand pages. I say mission accomplished)
8. Exercise (YES!)
9. Lose at least 10 pounds  (HA! 15 pounds baby!!!!)
10. Set habits for exercising and other routines (Yep!)
11. Go through everything and get rid of what I don't need!!! (Yep!)
12. Habit of eating healthier (Yep! I'm eating way less and always trying to pick better options)
13. Clean and organize the storage room/garage (No - too freaking hot. That's an autumn chore)
14. Potty train the cats (or at least attempt) (pah on this)
15. Get ready for next semester (did this!)

So, I managed 9/15. I think that's pretty awesome, seeing as how some were silly or changed completely. I also blew some out of the water, so I'm excited about this. Not too bad. Not too bad.

I am pretty proud of myself. I managed to accomplish quite a bit in a small amount of time. I worked full time at work all summer as well, and did quite a few projects there.  I went to a Jane Austen Festival and had a freaking cool time. I tried new foods and drinks. I opened up. I cried. I laughed. I planned. I discovered a new shopping mall. I changed. I helped. I bought the most adorable puppy ever, met new people, and fell in love with exercising and my puppy, Arwen. I presented a powerpoint to new freshmen. I exercised. I decided to go for a Student Affairs Master instead of a History one to open up job possibilities and to get free classes.   I just did a million things, and I blogged about it. It's fun to go back and see my posts. Really. DO IT!

What I learned:
I can always make friends.
People are there for me.
People will encourage me and be proud of me.
I can like new things.
I can learn new things.
I can change my future.
I am proud of myself, darn it.
I can change my future.
I realized I loved new things.
I found joy in different things.
I changed.
I discovered new talents.
I want to help others.
I have a heart that is always ready to accept.
I am calm around others who are stressed.
I can have faith in myself.
I accept some pretty different truths than I grew up with.
Scary possibilities are always going to be there.
There are always two roads and I can't regret what I chose.
The past is the past - the future is there for the taking.
My thoughts are the most important for my sanity.
I can surprise myself.
Actors can surprise me.
Not everything is as it seems.
Double standards are everywhere.
Politics are as stupid as I always believed.
Abraham Lincoln was a vampire hunter.
History will always be my love.
My husband and I truly know what's best for us.
Fun. is an amazing band.

The summer ends, school begins, and as such, my end is beginning.

Have sweet dreams friends, the first school night is here.