Sunday, May 20, 2012

Remise au Lendemain

Ah, so the title of this post says soooo much. It's French for Procrastination. Which says everything to my summer goals (except reading) as well as towards learning French.

So, here is what Heather just sent me:
A site to help me learn French. Which she just remembered we are supposed to be doing as well.  Obviously haven't been doing so well with that, but tomorrow begins a new week, and I will be planning on spending much more time on things I actually need to.

So, even though I ran into problems with Rosetta Stone I hope to just use my husband's computer and then also use some websites to start learning French.  I also want to look up Latin and prepare myself for what I'm facing. So - Goals 1 and 2 begin tomorrow!!!!  I'm working on organizing my house, which I'm quite proud of. I've already gone through my clothes and parted with quite a few things (Which covers 4 and 11). That shall continue. I'm fixing to go through several drawers in the Living Room and Kitchen to organize papers and random stuff.  I'm currently watching Hoarders because it is interesting and also makes a person clean :P  I did clean my whole bathroom (which took like two hours.) I still want to go through everything in there and organize it.  I got rid of a few things in the Utility room and it doesn't have much left that needs to be done.

Sadly, I'm afraid of me trying tiling. I don't think I need to attempt it and ruin my floor or waste money trying. I did figure out square footage for many room in my house with the help of my father-in-law.  By bathroom is 9 x 5.5 ft = 54 square feet.  The tiles I want are 12 in x 12 in so basically I need 54 to 60 tiles. We also decided we want to tile the kitchen which is 22 by 9 ft = 198 s. ft. I'm hoping to figure out how to get both room tiles without spending a fortune paying someone to do it.  It'll only be about 260 dollars for the tile. Wish me luck with that.  But I'm so tired of my bathroom being only half finished, and my kitchen floor is this hideous laminate that looks like black/green tiles. It has about three to four different colored paints splattered on it as well. -sighs-  I love fixing up my house but at the same time, I wish I hadn't. Does that make sense?

Potty training on the cats has begun.  They were scared to death when I set them on the training seat on the toilet. Not so sure how this is going to go. I'll be sure to post progress.  I have been exercising - biking and swimming.  Plus, I'm totally going to count cleaning. Reading I am definitely doing - not worried about that goal. I have three books read in a week - look at my summer reading list for pics, and descriptions!

So, last thing to talk about - I CANT WAIT FOR RIVERDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It is Tuesday night. -dances-  Oh I can't wait!!!


  1. I cleaned out my closet today too! Well, I moved all my winter stuff to the top and put all the pants I can't fit to one side of my closet :(

    Haha I have to figure out a plan on what to study each day of French. I'll probably be doing that while waiting on you to get off work tomorrow :)

    And Riverdance. Lucky.

  2. Extremely. I owe Riverdance to my mom. She said there was no way me and my sister could miss it, and bought our tickets. She's going to see it in VA. I just cannot wait.

    I actually have a bag of clothes I cleaned out to yard sale. (Which reminds me, I have stuff in the back of my car I meant to get out... shoot). Yeaah, I have pants I can't fit I stare at. You think I would just toss them. -sighs-
