Sunday, February 3, 2013

Its already Sunday?

 Before the rambling boring summary of my life lately, I would like to talk about something.  Or several somethings, actually.  1) The Gun Debate.  I honestly do not think the government will ever succeed in taking away our guns, and they know it, so they probably aren't trying it.  I am fine with the new regulations I have heard about.  I think you should have to register guns bought at gun conventions.  I don't know why people are so up in arms about it.  Yeah, yeah, we have the right to do it.  But, we should monitor it. No, criminals won't register their guns. But if they can't buy them at conventions, it'll be harder to get them.  Plus, if they get stolen, then they are registered.  Really, I full admit to being mostly ignorant on the subject.  But people get so angry!

On another note, this blasted "get so many likes, I get to do this" thing is driving me crazy!!!!!!  Its just people trying to get attention.  Yeah, the kids trying to get a cat or a puppy are cute, but what it is really teaching them to do this?  Social media is that important? Why not just tell them they have to take care of the pet, to teach them responsibility, like in the good old days?  So just... oy.

This last bit is about WKU, my university.  There was a girl the other day talking, and she said that her adviser told her she was not allowed to take 101 of a language, that she had to take 102 of the same language from high school, and had no choice. Which is such a lie!!!!!!!  You can take 101 of any language, it just won't count towards your general education requirements!!!  It pissed me off, so much.  I constantly hear about such things.  So many advisers don't give a flying fig to stay on top of such things because they hate that part of their job. I seriously think WKU should just hire advisers for students.  The English and History departments actually just assigned certain professors to do it.  The history department has one. The English department has four for the four different concentrations. My husband's biology adviser constantly screwed him over with what she said and what she did. Plus it was impossible to get an appointment with them.

I mean, I've always double checked my own stuff. I walked into my adviser's office with a list of classes that fit needs, and I've always done that. I refused to get screwed over by not knowing what my major was.  But many kids trust these people to know what they are doing, and that trust gets them in trouble.  Come on WKU! Get it together!!! 
Well, this weekend has flown by fast!  Friday night nothing useful occurred.  I came home and it was 55 degrees in my house.  Way too bloody cold!  The kerosene just wasn't cutting it.  Sean and I decided to buy a couple of electric heaters and use kerosene sparingly.  It is now 65 degrees in my house, so the idea worked.  I'm getting the heat fixed this week/next weekend. I can't stand it anymore.  I really wish we had just borrowed the money from someone and got it fixed in early January because now we've spend 200+ on kerosene.  It wasn't any cheaper on us than running the heat.  Actually, it was more expensive.  Stupid two story houses.

Yesterday, I read Tobacco Road.  Never read that book unless you have too.  I greatly disliked it.  It was just... so.... grammatically painful, repetitive and really paints the south as backwards and stupid.  It drove me crazy the whole time I was reading it. I hope the rest of the Southern Literature books are much, much better.  I also cleaned the house a bit - thank goodness.  I am continuing with laundry today, eventually doing the blasted dishes (I hate doing the dishes), and cleaning my poor room.  Oh - and homework.  Have to do homework.

Sean gave me forty dollars for Valentines Day to pick whatever - I got six pairs of valentine socks, chocolate, the Les Miserables cd, and I'm going to get Doctor Who socks.  Deeogee just hopped on my lap and started trying to get under the covers.  She is now laying between my knees, curled up.  Crazy dog :P

Next week shall be very busy.  I have all my classes - actually my professor for two classes is at a week-long conference so we have to do group work the entire week.  Yaaay... not.  I'll tons of homework. And work. I don't think I'm going to get ahead in my work at all.  And I need to apply to grad school today, register for my test, and finish writing my six page personal statement letter.  Does it ever end? On a happier note, I have lunch planned with Heather next Thursday. If it works.  We've tried to meet up about twenty times now and they always fall through.  :(

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