Friday, February 15, 2013

Friendships and Reflections

What a wild ride College has been.  I have developed some great friendships, lost a few, meet amazing people, taken great classes, and so much more.  I have 84 days until I am officially a college graduate!  (See, look at my new countdown >_>)  So... yeah.  Wow.

I saw a flyer today for when to pick up the cap and gown.  It just makes everything seem even more real. I mean, I know I'm graduating.  But it is just really odd to think that my first (two, I say!) degree is almost over. I currently have a 3.67 gpa.  I think that is pretty good :)  Some classes I have loved, others I have hated, some have been eh.  Same goes with the teachers.  I'm brimming with advice for new students, and I think this feeds even more into my future plans.

I'm going straight back to school.  I'll have the summer off (from school), and then I'll be attending WKU for the Student Affairs program.  I'll be helping out students.  I'm writing my personal statement this weekend, and signing up for the test Monday. I already have letters of recommendation (too many), and all the forms filled out.  I'm burnt out this semester, but Student Affairs will be a whole new ball game.  And they have block classes, so I'll only be there one to three days a week.  And not even every week. Differences are key.

I have found a few new great lifelong friends through college and work.  I've rediscovered an old friendship thanks to our last names having the same letter and us being stuck in a terrible class together.  I've found mentors and people who care, and those who have truly helped me become who I am at the end of all of this.

I sincerely hope I've managed to fill my brains with something.  Especially since I'm graduating with about 24k dollar of debt (How depressing is that?).  I hope to pursue both my history and English education in the future.  One day I plan to teach college classes.  I hope I can live up to those I have had.  

Otherwise, not much is happening.  I'm spending time with friends this semester when I can, because honestly, I need the breaks from school. I'm working twenty hours a week tutoring.  I'm attempting to reorganize and fix many things in my house.  I have 13 hours, and surprisingly I think I am learning the most about my major from my English senior seminar class, and having the best time in Southern Literature.  I'm reading so much for school I do not have the time to read anything fun. Phi Alpha Theta (of which I am president) is managing to finally move up in the world. We raised 250 dollars from our bake/book sale that will help fund our banquet/induction ceremony.  We also received $500 for our Lecture Series from SGA. I'm going to be going through the text books we have left to see if we can sell any of those.  The history faculty have been very supportive (and the newsletter I sent to all of them helped.)  I designed our new billboard.  We're hosting two movie nights, a two-part lecture series, attending a conference, going to Mammoth Cave, volunteering at the Humane Society and trying to find even more to do. I'm very proud :)  We have managed to gain some very great members and we are all working to improve our society!

Overall, yay college!  I'm not really leaving, but just starting a whole chapter.  And taking some very important people in my life with me :)


  1. 84 it sounds crazy soon when you say it like that doesn't it? I think you have an amazing future Fallon.
