Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Catching Up

So, it has been quite a while since I have blogged. I'm not 100% why that is, but hey, what else is new?  Since graduation, I've been working at the LAC, which I will do until the third week of August. I will be sad to leave.  Four years here has meant a lot to me, and helped me find a career path I love.  Otherwise, the first week being FREE, I uber cleaned my house. Which I need to do some more. Really.  Sadly, I haven't been reading enough which I started correcting over vacation last week.

So far as reading, I have many books to read! Some I have bought, several I have loaned, and some I just want to get my hands on.  Right now I'm reading The Fall of Arthur by J.R.R. Tolkien and Christopher Tolkien.  The poem was pretty great, and now I get to learn all about his notes and history with the subject.  I hope to finish it today. Last week I read the new(ish) Rachel Morgan book. My reading blog has been updated.  My next book is the new one by Katherine Howe, and I read a few pages into it and it wasn't quite catching my attention. I hope it gets better.  I also want to read the special books I have about The Hobbit, and then The Atlas of Middle Earth. Then I have several Cormac McCarthy books I must read, Les Mis, and all the others plus more on my list of hopeful readings.  Of course, my TV Zombie self has continued. Two seasons of House down, Three seasons of That 70s Show, and several episodes of SVU.  Yeah.  I need to cut back on the land of tv.

One day a couple of weeks ago my friend Morgan came over and we watched the last two episodes of Season 7.  Thanks to her, I got to watch all of Season 7.  I rather do love Matt Smith.  And his new companion that came in that season.  The 50th anniversary special will be THE MOST AMAZING AWESOME PERFECT WONDERFUL HAPPINESS MAGICAL EPISODE EVER because David Tennant will be back.  Then the Christmas Special will be our last episode with Matt.  Tis sad.  I did finally get a shirt with David on it though. And it says Allons-y.  How cool is that?   Oh, I loooove Doctor Who.

I also started working out in May.  My sister and I joined a gym.  I worked out five days a week that week. Oh the pain! I also started counting my calorie intake. I'm not really limiting what I eat, just how much.  Though I am trying to cut out the really crappy stuff out of my diet.  Heh.  Then I went on vacation last week. Which was really fun. AND BLEW MY DIET.  We ate several buffets.  I'm terrible.  Ah well.  It was fun.  We went to the smokies.  I got to see Cades Cove which was beautiful, and scenic, and historic. I would like to go back sometime and actually do the trails.  I want to get into hiking, but I need someone to join me. 

Gatlinburg was actually disappointing. Most of the cool stores had closed down.  Earthbound Trading Co.  was still there, and I finally got my silk wrap skirt.  Other than that, most of them sucked or were just T-Shirt stores.  They still have good attractions, but I did most of the ones I've wanted.  We saw The Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge which was hilarious except for one comedian. They also have show dogs which are all rescue dogs.  Which is awesome.

So, I'm back to work.  Back to calorie counting. And working out every day.  I started selling BeautiControl - so if you are interested in that hit me up. I'm catching up and finishing Season Three of Games of Throne Sunday. Watching Season Three of House. The grass around our house is taking over because our lawnmower broke.  Yay us. We have the worst luck. Sean is borrowing his father's today, and hopefully we will get it all mowed.  Yep.

Laters people. I'm off to read.  Oh that reminds me, people bug me about writing. I seriously need to work on my book!

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