Sunday, May 12, 2013


So this has been a pretty awesome weekend.  Friday I overslept. Luckily my hubby called me when he got off work at seven and woke me up. Yay for the hubby!!!! I got ready and left within ten minutes, made it to my final at 8, and was finished by 9.  Then my lovely friend Nikki let me go to her house and take a shower.  She had forgotten she had a lunch that day, so I took her some clothes for that.  It all worked out pretty well :) 

I worked that day, then had lunch with Charles and Cole.  Charles gave me the Atlas of Middle Earth, leather bound, which is one of the coolest presents I have EVER gotten!!!!!! It's beautiful.  While at the lunch, a friend also posted on my facebook about a site his professor runs which involves replicating the journeys from Lord of the Rings, as a way to exercise.  Which is ever so AWESOME!!!

After that, I met my sister, and we hung out at B&N.  Mom came and met us at Outback, where we also met my uncle and aunt from Florida.  It was so much fun to catch up with them and see my family.  I had a small debate rambling about politics, as well as just talking about general stuff. Oh, and I got an awesome drink. After that we went back to Becky's and hung out for a while.

Saturday we got ready and left from Becky's.  Graduation was tons of fun. They ran let getting us out of the side room and into Diddle.  I sat with Laura and TK.  We talked and laughed. I got my fake diploma.  The last lady to talk went on forever and not one single person was listening to her.  I GRADUATED!!!!  My uncle, aunt, mom, brother, brother-in-law, sister, niece, and hubby were all there.  Many of my professors were there too. 

After that we went to Ryan's.  My family was there, as well as my husbands, my bosses, and a few friends.  I had a great time, though I ate too fast and made myself a little sick.  After that my mom, me and my sister hung out at B&N and then went and had massages at Sun Suites.  It felt so incredible.  Mine was a present from my sister and brother-in-law for graduation.  Becky got hers for mother's day and we split mom's for the same reason.  Then we got some pizza and headed to Becky's for dinner.  We watched random youtube videos and talked. 

Then today we hung out, went to eat Greek food, and then shopped a bit. On the way there though my tire blew because apparently at some point I ran over something. There were two cuts in it.  My father-in-law came, sent me on my way with my mom, and got my tire fixed.  It's my happy graduation tire.  Yay!!! Sean and I went to his mom's after I got home and we played a game called Quelf which was .... weird but fun. Now I'm home watching SVU.

I have one grade finally - An A in Southern Literature. Yahoo!!!!

Well, I'm excited. Off to work tomorrow!

I got several presents:

Money: Uncle Butch & Aunt Kathy
Money & Pretty Stones: Mom and David
Diploma Frame: Cole
Money: Jan
Alumni Mug: Kacy
Alumni Shirt: Nikki
Charles: Atlas of Middle-Earth
Money: Tina
Angel for car window and Cool flip flops: Aunt Shawn and Momaw
Massage: Becky and Chris
Purse: Morgan
Her Presence: Heather and Kids

David, Tonya, Mom, Momaw & Aunt Shawn, Tina, Charles, Cole, Butch & Kathy, Jan, Nikki Burgett

There's possibly more but my brain is fried.

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