Saturday, March 16, 2013

Spring Fever!

So I am a girl who loves fall, and generally loves Winter for gloves, long sleeves, jackets, hats and scarves, but this time I have been craving warm weather! I'm not sure what's into me, except I miss running around like an idiot with my dog outside, and my tanktops and crops are calling my name.  Today it's almost seventy outside, and after this post I'm going to run around like a wild idiot and enjoy it.

So last weekend was my Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference.  The ride up and the night at the hotel was tons of fun, hanging out with friends and meeting new people.  I practiced my paper, talked to fast, and shifted around a lot. There were also a few jumps in my paper that were hard to understand. So I went back and added in three transition sentences. The next day, I dressed up, and off we went.  I was to present at 9:40, and I was rather nervous but when I stood up I just kinda instantly calmed down.  I read my paper, and there were a few places were I started to speed up but Dr. Sanderfer motioned at me, and I instantly slowed down. Fifteen minutes later, I had only shifted my foot once, and read through the whole thing without a mispronounced word, skipped sentence, or general mess up.  I'm rather dadgum proud of myself. I didn't win an award for my paper (and there were non for presentations) but two of our own brought back 2nd and 3rd place so I am rather happy about that!!!!

In other news, the week of Spring Break has passed and other than cleaning a bit, working and babysitting my friend's dog, I have been generally useless which I have comes to term with.  I'm heading out to watch Beautiful Creatures tonight with a friend, and return said dog.  I got my hair cut.  Tomorrow, I'm going to have to clean like crazy to try to help my hubby's allergy to the poor dog, and finish all the work I was supposed to do during Spring Break....

On the topic of getting my hair cut, I went to the Lindsey Institute. My hair turned out really well, and she did a great job on my bangs.  She also learned a few new techniques so I was glad to be of assistance :)  It only cost 11 dollars too!!!  The only downfall would be that she probably yanked out half my hair with her brush and when blow drying she kept bumping my head with it. It was kinda painful, but I managed.

Other than that... well school starts Monday and I have lots of to do. I have to finish Mama Day, read a few chapters in my Chinese book and sum them up, and study for Brit Lit midterm. Yeaaaaah..... on to outside! 

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